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Home : ITU Plenipotentiary Conference : PP-02
Policy Statement — Tanzania



Mr. Chairman,

May I take this opportunity, on behalf of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, and on my own behalf to thank the Royal Government of Morocco for hosting the 16th Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union in this beautiful and eternal city of Marrakech, Morocco, in the African continent.

Mr. Chairman,

Let me also take this opportunity to thank the Secretary General and the Directors of the bureaus of the International Telecommunications Union for their tireless effort in spearheading the Union towards bridging the telecommunications and Digital Divide between developing and developed nations for achievement of Social and economic development of mankind. In order to find the "missing link" this conference is an ideal global forum to draw up necessary mechanisms that will attract investments in developing countries.

There has indeed been tremendous change and development in the telecommunications sector since the restructuring of the Union in early 1990's. Policies and legislations governing the telecommunications sector have changed tremendously. The restructuring and privatization of the telecommunications sector through introduction of new policies by the member countries and introduction of competition in the sector is a clear manifestation of the union's achievement.

Mr. Chairman,

We are in the 21st century. Developed Nations are already implementing the third Generation Network services while developing countries are still using the conventional technologies and telecommunications services in the rural areas are virtually non-existent. It is therefore imperative to extend the coverage of telecommunications services to rural areas in order to provide a stimulus to economic and social activities. This can be achieved if policy makers, stakeholders, and the ITU work closely together.

The successful implementation of the Buenos Aires, the Valletta, as well as that of Istanbul Plans of Action on the programme of telecommunications development in rural and remote areas for developing countries upon completion will be a great achievement to the ITU. Already many developing countries are implementing this programme. In Tanzania one of the Multipurpose Community Telecentres is already operational, another is in the offing


Mr. Chairman,
My Government has opened up competition in non-basic services such as Mobile, Data, Internet and Radio paging services. The incumbent basic telecommunications operator, the Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited is being privatized. A 35% stake has already been taken by a private investor. The sector has witnessed improved telecommunications services as a result of an increase in direct exchange lines from 85,000 lines in 1993 to over 200,000 lines this year being operated by two Public Switched Network Operators. Mobile cellular services have recorded a total of over 500,000 subscribers served by five (5) mobile operators in the country resulting in stiff competition and reduction of tariffs. The twenty (20) Internet Service Providers and fifteen (15) Data Communications Operators have brought a tremendous improvement in access to ICT. There has been an opportunity for creation of new jobs to young people, thereby improving living standards and quality of life for greater participation in the Global Information Society.


Mr. Chairman,
In preparation for the forthcoming two Summits of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva and Tunisia in 2003 and 2005 respectively, clear strategies/solutions to serve the society have to be drawn up by telecommunications stakeholders through laying down concrete plans for every humankind to have access to information. ITU has to consolidate these plans and strategies initiated by stakeholders. The Global Infrastructure today cannot yet satisfy the requirement of society in the use of e-applications in particular. Hence the need for solving the infrastructure problem nationally, regionally and globally. We have to join effort in this endeavour for ultimate success. The Least Developed, the Developing and Developed nations have to work together as three in one.


Mr. Chairman,
Tanzania has embarked on the development of an Information Communication Technology (ICT) policy framework. A Draft National ICT Policy is being finalized. The policy addresses all pertinent issues including institutional arrangements, the need for continued effort for development of infrastructure for ICT, human resource and participation of all stakeholders from public and private sectors in the implementation of ICT related activities. The Government has waived taxes for computers and associated accessories and mobile phones as a way of encouraging importation and the use of such basic equipment and services. With regard to local content issues, the draft policy recognizes the importance of restoration of local culture and values.


Mr. Chairman,
The radio communication sector is another area where my delegation feels that we should place due emphasis. I am particularly referring to the efficient utilization of the radio frequency spectrum, which is a scarce resource. The allocation of the radio frequency spectrum must take into account the very specific circumstances of the countries and communities which are on the other side of the digital divide; both globally and within individual countries.


Mr. Chairman,
Tanzania pledges to work with the ITU and member countries to implement the resolutions, decisions and common positions adopted at this Conference as regards radio communication. It is towards that end that we respectfully present Tanzania to the service of ITU through membership to the ITU Council and the candidature of Colonel Abihudi Newton Nalingigwa to the Radio Regulation Board.


Mr. Chairman,
Let me end the same way as I started by thanking the Royal Government of Morocco for hosting this conference and ITU administration for excellent arrangements put our disposal



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