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Home : ITU Plenipotentiary Conference : PP-02
Policy Statement — Viet Nam

delivered by H.E. Dr Mai Liem Truc, Secretary-General
Department General of Posts and Telecommunication of Viet Nam

Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all, I would like to send you all the warmest greetings from Viet Nam. On behalf of Vietnamese delegation I wish to express our sincere thanks to Morocco's Government and the City of Marrakech for the excellent organisation of the Conference and the warm hospitality.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a real privilege for me to attend this Plenipotentiary Conference, the first one in the Information Age and the fifth one in my career. You may agree with me that Conference is always a milestone in the world telecommunication development. It is always marked by firm commitments, innovative solutions and well targeted action plan. They address global issues such as telecommunication deregulation and liberalisation, global connectivity and digital divide, new and convergence of technologies. which are capital for telecommunication world. I believe that this Conference will also meet the requirements and expectations of the world telecommunity in the Information Age.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Nearly two third of members of ITU family are developing countries. They are still encountering a lot of obstacles in bringing ICT related products and services accessible and affordable to their people. The dream of "global village" can not come true if two third of its population are marginalised. In line with commitment by Ministers of Trade in Doha, I strongly propose this Plenipotentiary Conference to place the needs and the interests of developing countries at heart of its work programme.

It is worth noting that a number of developing countries are already engaged in restructuring and liberalising process. Win-win solutions are therefore more numerous and more feasible. We can then expect a well targeted, technically and financially sound strategic plan addressing top priorities of developing countries such as infrastructure/access, regulation/competition, ICT application skills in view of economic growth.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have touched on the material side of the Information Society we are building. I think this Plenipotentiary Conference should also pay special attention to the social and cultural side of the Information Society. Information has become an agent of economic, social, cultural prosperity. But telephony, internet, electronic mass media provide only physical access to information. The real access to information and its assimilation by and to the benefits of the community depend on factors such as:

  • local language and practices
  • local cultures
  • basic education and training allowing people to use ICT products and services, to transform information in knowledge and expertise

The challenge is that how to promote the information flow, the best use of information while preserving, fostering the cultural diversity as well as the national identity in the globalised context. As for me the solution will go through the development of local content and the appropriate human resources development.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The tremendous impact of information and communication technologies on every aspect of human activities is now obvious. National economy and security depend more and more on reliable and secure operation of Info-communication networks. It is therefore time for us to think seriously about the security of the information networks and common codes of behaviour for activities carried on them. Hacker, online bank robber, pornography, terrorism and drug trafficking using advanced info-communication tools are now very hot in the news and strongly condemned by the whole society. Because of the global reach of telecommunication networks, cyber-crimes are of international nature and so international coordination and cooperation are needed to combat such crimes. The key point here is the common vision, the common understanding of the security issue, the harmonisation of systems and procedures for combating the cyber-crimes. I do hope that this Plenipotentiary Conference will make a breakthrough in this regards.


Ladies and gentlemen,

With rapid development and increasing penetration in socio-economic activities, Vietnam Telecommunication and Information Technology has become an important economic, technological and service sector forming the infrastructure of the national economy.

Together with other ITU members, we are doing our best to realize the objective of the Union "ICT for all: empowering people to cross the digital divide". Indeed, we are implementing the "Posts and Telecommunications Strategic Plan to the year 2010". We give high priority to the rapid increase of basic service penetration and to the reduction of tariff. These indicators must reach the global level by 2010.

In order to ensure the success of the Strategic Plan, pro-competitive policy is chosen and clearly stated in the Telecommunication Ordinance taking effect from 01/10/2002. In addition, to address better the opportunities and challenges brought about by the convergence of technologies a Ministry responsible for Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology has been set up.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Vietnam has been trying his best to improve his participation in activities of the Union. We are determined to promote further regional and international integration in order to be an active stakeholder in the building of the Global Information Society. In line with this policy, Vietnam is seeking a seat at ITU Council.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Finally, I would like to express once again our appreciation to the host-Morocco's Government for the excellent arrangement for the Conference in this unique city of Marrakech. Our best wishes for the success of the Conference, for the prosperity of the telecommunity and for the fruitful cooperation among all ITU members.

Thank you.


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