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Connectivity in education: Status and recent developments in nine non-European Union countries

Connectivity in education: Status and recent developments in nine non-European Union countries
Year: 2021
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This report, published jointly by ITU and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), offers an in-depth dive in nine countries of the Europe region, namely Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine, and also provides an aggregate perspective. Connectivity in education must be approached holistically as information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be drivers of i) digital skills development, ii) smart governance of education system, and iii) smart and flexible education delivery at school and at home.

The report tackles connectivity in education by providing i) an overview of education systems and broadband markets at the country level, ii) an overview of government strategies in education and connectivity and the role foreseen for connectivity in education, iii) an account of multi-stakeholder partnerships and financing mechanisms for investment in school connectivity, and iv) an overview of the responses each country has undertaken to COVID-19 towards ensuring continuity of learning through ICTs. A catalogue of country challenges and a catalogue of country experiences that seek to provide stakeholders with a full picture of the challenges faced in the nine countries with regard to connectivity in education are also provided.

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