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Economic contribution of broadband, digitization and ICT regulation: Econometric modelling for Asia-Pacific

Economic contribution of broadband, digitization and ICT regulation: Econometric modelling for Asia-Pacific
Year: 2019
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ITU published the findings of a global study on the economic contribution of broadband, digitization and ICT regulation in September 2018. Following this report, The Economic contribution of broadband, digitization and ICT regulation: Econometric modelling for Asia and Pacific presents a set of econometric analyses that estimate the contribution of broadband and digital transformation on the economy, as well as the impact of ICT policy and regulations on the development of the digital economy in the Asia and Pacific region.

The outcomes of this regional report may serve as key reference material to illustrate the impact of fixed and mobile broadband on the economy, where the regions stand in terms of digitization and the impact of digitization on GDP. This could assist countries in conceptualizing the process of launching evidence-based digital transformation strategies. It also provides evidence of the importance of regulatory and institutional variables in driving digital growth and further illustrates how broadband technologies combined with effective ICT regulation can positively impact the growth of national economies and prosperity.

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