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Controlled mobility for C-V2X road safety reception optimization

Controlled mobility for C-V2X road safety reception optimization

Authors: Jingxuan Men, Yun Hou
Status: Final
Date of publication: 6 July 2022
Published in: ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 3 (2022), Issue 1, Pages 34-45
Article DOI :
The use case of the Cellular Vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) for road safety requires real-time network connection and information exchange between vehicles. In order to improve the reliability and safety of the system, intelligent networked vehicles need to move cooperatively to achieve network optimization. In this paper, we use C-V2X sidelink mode 4 abstraction and the regression results of C-V2X network level simulation to formulate the optimization of the Packet Reception Rate (PRR) with fairness in the road safety scenario. Under the optimization framework, we have designed a controlled mobility algorithm for the transmission node to adaptively adjust its position to maximize the aggregated PRR using only one-hop information. The simulation results show that the algorithm converges and improves the average utility by 15% while providing fairness across receivers for C-V2X mode broadcast messages.

Keywords: Controlled mobility, network optimization, road safety, trajectory, vehicular communications
Rights: © International Telecommunication Union, available under the CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO license.
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