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Special issue 1 - Propagation modelling for advanced future radio systems - Challenges for a congested radio spectrum

Special issue 1 - Propagation modelling for advanced future radio systems - Challenges for a congested radio spectrum
Year: 2019
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This special issue of the ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries considers the wide range of radio wave propagation phenomena and their effect on radiocommunication systems performance, availability and reliability. This publication explores the latest developments concerning propagation modelling and the phenomena relevant to the planning and deployment of advanced future radiocommunication systems and the efficient use of the radio spectrum.

Table of contents

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PDF format     12 Nov. 2019 - Article 1
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PDF format     12 Nov. 2019 - Article 2
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PDF format     12 Nov. 2019 - Article 3
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PDF format     12 Nov. 2019 - Article 4
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PDF format     12 Nov. 2019 - Article 5
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PDF format     19 Nov. 2019 - Article 6
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PDF format     19 Nov. 2019 - Article 7
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