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Мероприятия в рамках Международного дня "Девушки в ИКТ" 2016 года

Druga osnovna škola (Second Elementary School) Srebrenik and the Association of IT teachers of elementary schools in the municipality of Srebrenik​

Srebrenik, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, April 28​

The program consisted of two parts.

              The first part had a round table on the theme: Girls and ICT. Guests were addressed by Nedim Delic, a teacher of informatics in the Druga osnovna škola (Second Elementary School) Srebrenik, Mirza Jahic, pedagogue, Muhamed Pjević, president of teachers  of informatics in the municipality of Srebrenik.
             The girls from the elementary school "Rapatnica" presented the work on the topic: The role of women in the history of ICT, while girls from the First Primary School Srebrenik presented the work on the theme: Social networks, advantages and disadvantages.

           In the second part the students-girls from the primary schools of the municipality of Srebrenik  showed their work and programming skills using the following software: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Windows Movie Maker, QBasic and others.

           This event can significantly influence the awareness of students who will transfer their experience to their friends and colleagues in the schools where they work. One of the conclusions was that "Learning is like swimming upstream; stop for a moment and you've already returned." This is especially true of those who deal with ICT. It is necessary to learn and constantly develop yourselves.