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Accessible Americas V: ICTs for All
Montego Bay, Jamaica  29 November 2018

28 to 30 November 2018
Montego Bay, Jamaica

Senator the Honorable Ruel Reid, Minister of Education, Youth and Information
Ms. Wahkeen Murray, Acting Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology,
Mr. Cecil McCain, Director ICT Division, Ministry of Science and Technology
Mr. Bruno Ramos, ITU Regional Director for the Americas,
Representatives of Government, Private Sector, academia and civil society here present,

Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is indeed my great pleasure to welcome you to the fifth edition of the Accessible Americas V: Information and Communication for ALL, a regional event of the International Telecommunication Union, aimed at promoting discussions and the exchange of experiences and good practices on digital inclusion policies, strategies, projects and initiatives.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Ministry of Science and Technology of Jamaica, the government and the people of Jamaica for hosting this important event in the beautiful city of Montego Bay, and for having created all conditions allowing us to meet here today. 

Distinguished participants 

Digital Inclusion is one of the pillars of the work of the International Telecommunication Union, and the Telecommunication Development sector in particular. 

This was again reconfirmed by the World Telecommunication Development Conference held in Buenos Aires in October 2017 and the just-ended ITU Plenipotentiary Conference.

As you know, it is estimated that some form of disability affects more than 1 billion people, which is 15% of the world population. We must work for ICTs to become a solution for them.

The population over 60 years is expected to reach 1.4 billion by 2030. We should work for ICTs to help them live as healthy and as independently as possible.

These two examples give you the magnitude of the digital inclusion because behind these figures are people you know, your colleagues, your neighbors, your friends your family members and other siblings. 

We are all here today because we share a passion. We all agree that we should not continue to give more to those who have while neglecting those who need ICTs to live a dignified life.

Above all, we are here today because we are convinced that ICTs can create value to our society. Because we are convinced that ICT can create a better world for a farmer in an isolated village, a fairer world for women and young people, an inclusive world for people with disabilities and people with specific needs, a bright world for the private sector, and a more peaceful and sustainable world for humanity.

This passion will drive our discussions during these three days on how to get people and communities connected and empowered by ICTs. 

I commend the work of my colleagues in Americas region under the leadership of Bruno Ramos for organizing Accessible Americas that gives us the opportunity to get together in a multistakeholder setting and work together to put a human face to the ICTs.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We have achieved a lot in the last years in increasing awareness and sharing good practices in ICT accessibility and digital inclusion in general. Thanks and congratulations to all of you.

Senator the Honorable Ruel Reid, 

Your presence here today is the testimony of the importance of digital inclusion for you personally, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information you lead, and for the Government of Jamaica. Thank you so much for honoring this opening ceremony with your presence.

Ladies and gentlemen

I am deeply convinced that ICTs can definitely create value to our communities and our society. 

Let us work together with passion to put a human face to ICTs. 

I thank you very much.