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Usage Guidelines for the Audio Definition Model and Multichannel Audio Files

Report BS.2388

Managed by SG06

Title Status
BS.2388-5 (03/2024)
Usage Guidelines for the Audio Definition Model and Multichannel Audio Files  
Note - This Report has been published only in English
In force (Main)
Previous versions
Title Status
BS.2388-4 (09/2022)
Usage Guidelines for the Audio Definition Model and Multichannel Audio Files  
Note - This Report has been published only in English
In force
BS.2388-3 (04/2018)
Usage Guidelines for the Audio Definition Model and Multichannel Audio Files  
Note - This Report has been published only in English
BS.2388-1 (03/2017)
Usage Guidelines for the Audio Definition Model and Multichannel Audio Files  
Note - This Report has been published only in English
BS.2388-2 (10/2017)
Usage Guidelines for the Audio Definition Model and Multichannel Audio Files  
Note - This Report has been published only in English
BS.2388-0 (07/2015)
Usage guidelines for the audio definition model and multichannel audio files  
Note - This Report has been published only in English