AAP Recommendation

G.9903 (2017) Amd.2: Narrowband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing power line communication transceivers for G3-PLC networks

Study Group

Study Period

Consent Date

Approval Date

Provisional Name

Input used for Consent
SG15-TD8-R1/PLEN (2022-09)
SG15-TD110/PLEN (2022-09) (A.5 TD)



Recommendation ITU-T G.9903 contains the physical layer (PHY) and data link layer (DLL) specification for the G3-PLC narrowband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) power line communication transceivers, for communications via alternating current and direct current electric power lines over frequencies below 500 kHz. The control parameters that determine spectral content, power spectral density (PSD) mask requirements, and the set of tools and procedures to support the measurement and reduction of the transmit PSD can be found in Recommendation ITU-T G.9901. Amendment 1 covers Cenelec A, Cenelec B, ARIB and FCC bandplans. It adds the G3-PLC Hybrid PLC & RF Profile as new Annex H. Corrigendum 1 introduces various corrections and clarifications Amendment 2 covers Cenelec A, Cenelec B, ARIB and FCC bandplans. It adds new mechanisms to improve efficiency of broadcast transmissions (for both data traffic and LOADng RREQ routing messages) and extends the G3-PLC Hybrid PLC & RF Profile with new operating frequency bands, an RF transmit power adaptation meachnism, frequency hopping and a last gasp feature (consisting in an alerting mechanism in case a power outage is experienced by a device in the network).

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