AAP Recommendation

H.644.5: Functional architecture of content request routing service in multimedia content delivery networks

Study Group

Study Period

Consent Date

Approval Date

Provisional Name

Input used for Consent
SG16-TD48/PLEN (2022-10)
SG16-TD42/PLEN (2022-10) (A.5 TD)



This Recommendation specifies the functional architecture with the related functional components of CRRS, the Reference points of a CRRS within MCDN. With the consideration of different network environment, content/service types and user/terminal device profile, this Recommendation also presents the potential solutions with the procedurals for CRRS to complete the end-user-to-MCDN node attachment under the case of IPTV service (dedicate network), OTT media service (public/open Internet) and mobile media streaming service (5G network with MEC enabled service). With this Recommendation, a MCDN service provider and manufacturer can deploy their MCDN node, especially the edge node, deeper into network edge. The CRRS provides a comprehensive solution to guide user to find the nearest MCDN node for accessing the request content by ignoring the differentiation of network, service type and terminal device and user’s location.

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