AAP Recommendation

Y.3804 (2020) Amd1: Quantum key distribution networks - Control and management

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Provisional Name

Input used for Consent
SG13-TD151/PLEN (2023-10)



In ITU-T Y.3810 “Quantum key distribution network interworking – framework”, Figure 2 describes a reference model with reference point of Mx. But it is not defined in any Recommendation. Therefore, there needs to be specified the additional reference point, which is Mx for connecting two QKDN managers in ITU-T Y.3802. Mx is responsible for the QKDN manager to communicate management information with other QKDN manager. Since Y.3804 refers the functional architecture model in Y.3802, Figure 1 – Functional elements and reference points relevant to QKDN control and management and relevant texts need to be revised for alignment with the amendment of Y.3802. This amendment intends the following: to revise texts and Figure 1 – Functional elements and reference points relevant to QKDN control and management in clause 7 to include the Mx reference point. to revise texts in clause 9.3.2 Orchestration for external management. to correct an editorial error in Appendix I.7.1. to add descriptions in Appendix I.8 Reference point Mx.

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