AAP Recommendation

K.44 (2012) Cor.1: Resistibility tests for telecommunication equipment exposed to overvoltages and overcurrents - Basic Recommendation - Corrigendum 1

Study Group

Study Period

Consent Date

Approval Date

Provisional Name
K.44 Corrigendum

Input used for Consent
TD 144-GEN
TD 187-GEN



Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation ITU-T K.44 contains technical changes. Some changes were missed in the updating of ITU-T K.44 and some additional problems were noticed after approval. This corrigendum resolves defects in the following categories: editorial errors technical errors, such as omissions and inconsistencies ambiguities In addition, the corrigendum may include explanatory text found necessary as a result of interpretation difficulties apparent from the defect reports. This corrigendum resolves defects in the following categories: editorial errors technical errors, such as omissions and inconsistencies ambiguities In addition, the corrigendum may include explanatory text found necessary as a result of interpretation difficulties apparent from the defect reports.

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