AAP Recommendation

P.1100: Narrowband hands-free communication in motor vehicles

Study Group

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Provisional Name

Input used for Consent
TD 644R1-GEN



Recommendation ITU-T P.1100 describes performance requirements and test methods for narrowband hands free communication in vehicles. This Recommendation covers: -built-in hands-free systems, -after-market hands-free car kits, -corded headsets, and -wireless headsets, to be used in vehicles for communication while driving. This Recommendation addresses the test of complete systems, as well as the subsystems of hands free microphones and telephones with short-range wireless transmission links used to interconnect the hands-free system to the mobile network. For testing, the test set-up and the recommended environmental conditions are described. The methods, analysis and performance parameters described in this Recommendation are based on test signals and test procedures defined in Recommendations ITU-T P.501, ITU T P.502, ITU-T P.340 and ITU-T P.380.

For the purpose of the AAP Last Call, the electronic attachment is available at https://www.itu.int/ifa/t/2017/sg12/exchange/wp1/q4/p1100_2018/P1100-Attachment.zip

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