AAP Recommendation

K.142: Lightning protection and earthing of video surveillance system

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Recommendation ITU-T K.vss provides a set of practical procedures related to the lightning protection, earthing and bonding of a Video Surveillance System (VSS). The main objective of this Recommendation is to reduce risk of damage to VSS due to lightning flashes, which will improve the safety and reliability of the VSS itself and its related equipment. This Recommendation also provides the configuration and rating of protection modules required to protect VSS against lightning surges. Usually Video Surveillance System can be used to remotely capture multimedia (such as audio, video, image, alarm signal, etc.) and present them to the end user in a user-friendly manner, based on a managed broadband network with ensured quality, security and reliability. According the type of signal transmitted, the system can be divided into three kinds: analogue; Semi digital-semi analogue; full digital video surveillance system (also be called IP based system); because IP based system are more complicated for lightning protection, IP-Camera systems are not included in this recommendation. The related scope can be referred to ITU-T K.45. Annex A presents classification of Video Surveillance System, whereas Appendix I presents an overview of practical procedures of earthing for VSS's front-end equipment. Related technical requirements have been adopted in many surveillance products, effectively improved the lightning protection ability and usage of related products, guaranteed network operate normally.

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