AAP Recommendation

L.1382: Smart energy solution for telecommunication rooms

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Provisional Name

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This Recommendation provides requirements on the power supply mode of the three-layer architecture of the telecommunication rooms. It aims to drive future-oriented network deployment for the ICT industry, maximize the energy efficiency, the use of renewable resources, and social resources in the digital era, and reduce energy and resource consumption while ensuring network performance and user experience, innovative ICT technologies are used to promote network energy saving, emission reduction, circular economy development, and continuously drive all parties in the industry chain to jointly build green networks and low-carbon societies. In addition, this standard provides suggestions and requirements on the deployment of three types of telecommunication rooms, which can be used as a reference for telecom operators to build the target network evolution strategies for telecommunication room power supply. This standard accelerates network deployment, reduces CAPEX and OPEX, optimizes investment efficiency, and guides ICT industry transformation and optimization. The new networking architecture, new power supply technologies, and specifications mentioned in this document will also effectively promote the upgrade of industry technologies.

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