Agenda of the Plenipotentiary Conference
The Plenipotentiary Conference is ITU's top policy-making body that sets the general policies of the organization for the next four years. The agenda is a standing document sufficiently broad to enable discussions and debates on many issues. It is embodied in Article 8 of the ITU Constitution. The work of the Conference is based on proposals tabled by Member States within the general framework of the agenda.

In order to perform its work, the Plenipotentiary Conference establishes committees; the structure of the Conference is decided by the Conference itself at its first Plenary meeting.

At its first meeting, the PP-18 Steering Committee establishes a general calendar for the work of the conference. The general schedule, contained in the draft Time Management Plan, is reviewed periodically throughout the Conference and updated to take into account progress made. The Plenary, as well as each Committee, will establish daily agendas for the work to be covered at each of their sessions.