* = Document present on ftp site "-L" indicates a late non-administrative contribution JVT-G-TD00r0*Report [Sullivan+] Invitation to the Meeting JVT-Gxxx.dot*Report [Sullivan+] Document Template JVT-G000 Report [Sullivan+] List of Documents JVT-G001 Report [Sullivan+] Report of Pattaya JVT Meeting (#7) JVT-G002 Report [Sullivan+] Report of Awaji JVT Meeting (#6) JVT-G003 Report [Sullivan+] List of Pattaya Participants JVT-G004 Report [Sullivan+] List of JVT Experts JVT-G005 Report [Sullivan] AHG Report: JVT Project Management JVT-G006 Report [Wiegand+] AHG Report: Text & S/W Editing JVT-G007* Report [Joch+] AHG Report: Bitstream Exchange JVT-G008* Report [Baroncini+] AHG Report: Coding Eff. Analysis & Testing JVT-G009 Report [Kim] AHG Report: JM Reference Encoding JVT-G010 Prop.(Ed.) [Wiegand+] Draft text changes proposed by editor JVT-G011/M9398* NB Com. [CANB] CANB comments on JVT-F100 JVT-G012* Prop.(N-N) [Li+] Adaptive Basic Unit Layer Rate Control JVT-G013* Prop.(N-N) [Pan+] Fast Mode Decision for Intra Prediction JVT-G014* Prop.(Ext) [Haglund+] A new "level 4.2" to be inserted JVT-G015* Prop. [Haskell] Harmonic comments on JVT-F100 JVT-G016* Prop.(N-N) [Chen+] Fast Motion Estimation for JVT JVT-G017* Prop.(N-N) [Ma+] Cross check of fast motion estimation JVT-G018* Prop.(P&L) [Lainema+] Main and Extended Profile Interoperability JVT-G019* Prop.(Ed.) [Lim+] Editorial Comments on JVT-F100 JVT-G020* Prop.(N-N) [Lim+] Verif: JVT-G012 (Rate control) JVT-G021* Prop.(N-N) [Ma+] Verif: JVT-F086 (Rate Control) on HD JVT-G022* Prop. [Yagasaki+] Proposal to improve the HRD's CAT model JVT-G023* Info. [Syed++] Main Profile and N5423/JVT-F102 Request JVT-G024* Info. [Syed+] 2nd Choice re JVT-G023: A New Baseline JVT-G025* Prop.(N-N?)[Song+] Motion Comp. Interp. Using On-Chip Memory JVT-G026* Info. [Lin+] Verif: JVT-G013 (Intra Mode Decision) JVT-G027* NB Comment [JNB] JNB Comments on JVT-F100 JVT-G028* Prop.(N-N) [Ma+] Computation Cost Metric for Fast BME JVT-G029 Prop.(N-N) [Ma+] Adaptive Rood Pattern Search for BME JVT-G030* NB Comment [FINB] Finnish NB Comments on JVT-F100 JVT-G031 Info. [Hannuksela] DPB Implementation JVT-G032 NB Comment [UKNB] UK NB Comments on JVT-F100 JVT-G033* Info. [Horowitz+] Main & Baseline Should Not Change JVT-G034* Info. [Horowitz+] Alternative Hierarchical Profile Solutions JVT-G035* NB Comment [CHNB] China NB Comments on AVC Profiles JVT-G036* Info. [Lindbergh++] Support for Royalty Free Baseline JVT-G037 Prop. [Boyce+] Require direct 8x8 inference for interlace JVT-G038 Info. [Clerc+] Complexity Eval. of Codec Configurations JVT-G039* Prop. [Narasimhan] Comments and Clarifications of JVT-F100 JVT-G040 Prop.(Ed.) [Wang+] Editorial comments/suggestions re JVT-F100 JVT-G041 NB Comment [USNB] US NB Comments on JVT-F100 ------------- Late Document Registrations --------------------------------------- JVT-G042 Info. [Wiegand+] Demo of Baseline 720p HD HHI Decode JVT-G043 Info. [Peterfreund] Constraint on Buffering Period SEI