AAREADME.TXT April 29, 1998 This is the "readme" file for the bitstreams directory of the H.263+ standardization activity. It is located at ftp://standard.pictel.com/video-site/h263plus/bitstreams/ It currently contains: - bitstreams provided by Intel on January 5, 1998 - bitstreams provided by Technical University of Berlin and OKI on January 21 - a subdirectory of bitstreams offered as anchors for the April 1998 meeting of Q.15/SG16 by the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and the University of British Columbia These bitstreams are all believed to be compliant with the final (Draft 20&21) version of the H.263+ (H.263v2) recommendation. If you have bitstreams which you would like to contribute to this directory, please upload them to ftp://standard.pictel.com/video-site/dropbox and then send e-mail to garys@pictel.com asking him to move them to the h263plus/bitstreams directory. You should also send e-mail to the H.263+ e-mail reflector, itu-adv-video@listserv.iterated.com, announcing you have a bitstream that you would like other people to verify.