Girls In ICT 2020

In 2020, International Girls in ICT Day was celebrated on 23 April.A “24h World Tour of Girls in ICT Day celebrations highlights​’ featured some of the virtual celebrations taking place all over the world during the Day.​ITU hosted an online dialogue on Girls in ICT: Inspiring the Next Generation.The online dialogue highlighted the importance of governments’ engagement in empowering women through technology and drew attention to role models and mentors and how they can inspire girls and young women to take up careers in the tech field.

Girls In ICT 2019 : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The event welcomed over 250 girls from local schools and leaders from government, private sector partners, UN agencies, NGOs and the educational community. ​

Girls In ICT 2018 : Sofia, Bulgaria

Up to 75 local girls (between the ages of 12–16) were invited for the event that gave them the opportunity to experience ICTs in fun and educative workshops (e.g. coding, robotics, app development, VRu002FAR experiences) as well as meet local role models.

2017 : Geneva, Switzerland

The Geneva Girls in ICT Day 2017 celebrations took place on April 27 at ITU Headquarters in Geneva. The event saw the active participation of local schools, that have been organizing ICT-related activities in the lead up to International Girls in ICT Day.

Girls In ICT 2016 : Geneva, Switzerland

The girls participating in the schoolworkshops were invited to the ITU HQ for a half day celebration where they had the opportunity to present their work and what they learned during theworkshops to the ITU officials, the diplomatic community, ITU Staff and ITU Delegates .

Girls In ICT 2015 : Geneva, Switzerland

ITU hosted a special event in ICT Discovery, our museum dedicated to the history of telecommunications at ITU Headquarters in Geneva. Participants were invited to attend workshops on satellites, creative coding, mobile apps androbotics.

Girls in ICT 2014 : Geneva, Switzerland

This year, ITU hosted Girls in ICT Day on 15 April, 2014 to account for local school holidays, the 2014 International Girls in ICT Day still officially recognized on 24 April, 2014.

Girls In ICT 2013 : Brussel, Belgium & Geneva, Switzerland

ITU joined the European Commission and European Parliament who hosted a full-day session in Brussels including a Parliamentary Hearing to debate women in ICT careers. At ITU Headquarters, in ICT Discovery museum, ITU and the Mission of the United States in Geneva co-organized workshops.

Girls In ICT 2012 : New York, United States

Empowering girls through ICT – how we can encourage young women in countries around the world to play a greater role in the technology revolution. A three years campaing was launched :’empowerment, equality, education and employment’

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Girls In ICT 2011 : Geneva, Switzerland

On 8 April 2011, ITU announced the establishment of an international’Girls in ICT Day’, to be held every year on the fourth Thursday in April. Girls around the world gathered on 28 April 2011 to celebrate the first annual international Girls in ICT Day