
Women are significantly left behind in ICT and digital entrepreneurship careers. The digital future is crucial to society, so women must have equal representation in technology.

Women in tech challenge

This challenge recognizes standout tech innovators whose solutions are making a difference for the girls and women in their communities. Those who are helping and empowering women to excel in accessing and using ICTs to improve their productive and economic capacity in all sectors (i.e., agriculture, textiles and apparel, health and finance, among others).

What do we offer?

Digital skills badge

The ITU and EQUALS patterns have implemented this project to offer young women and girls’ access, free of charge, to a universally recognised digital skills training and certification program, through online training and Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and have (STEM) workshops.

global partnership

ITU along with United Nations University (UNU), UN Women, GSMA and International Trade Center co-created the EQUALS Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age. EQUALS now has more than 100 partners working together to empower women and girls as leaders in technology and online entrepreneurship, to give them access to ICTs and to train them in the digital skills they need to succeed and thrive.

Women in Cyber
Mentorship Programme

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) and EQUALS global partnership jointly organize the Women in Cyber Mentorship Programme, in an effort to inspire, train and empower women wishing to enter and thrive in the cybersecurity sector.

The UNconnected Podcast by Doreen Bogdan-Martin

Engage in a series of podcast which provide meaningful insights in bridging and overcoming the digital gender gap with the transformative power of ICTs.