UN activities on AI report to launch at WTPF-21

by Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General

With COVID-19 having set back efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the 2021 UN Activities on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Report features over 200 projects, developed by 40 UN agencies and bodies, to accelerate progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).   

More UN entities have participated in this year’s report than ever before, demonstrating the UN system’s determination to use its expertise and network to develop and deploy AI solutions that can connect everyone and bring the power of technology to all. 

The projects presented in this report illustrate the importance of investing in multi-stakeholder partnerships for producing concrete outcome-driven processes and deliverables in areas ranging from health and infrastructure to inequality and the environment. Trust, ethics, good governance, and human rights provide an overarching framework within which these projects and initiatives are being designed.

An analysis of the key trends contained in this report also highlights the areas where the UN system needs to invest more effort. 

At ITU, we strive to build common understanding and trust around the use of AI for environmental efficiency, health, 5G, autonomous and assisted driving, and several others. We spare no effort to work with all stakeholders inside and outside the UN system to build a more fair, sustainable and inclusive digital future.  

Ensuring that all voices are heard is central to ITU activities, starting with AI for Good, our year-round digital platform where AI innovators and problem owners learn, build and connect to help identify practical AI solutions to advance the SDGs. Organized by ITU in partnership with 38 sister UN Agencies and others, AI for Good is the leading action-oriented UN platform on AI.  

2022 will see the launch of the AI for Good Neural Network, an AI powered community networking and content platform whose aim is to accelerate innovation and collaboration to achieve the SDGs.

ITU is also co-leading with UNESCO the UN Inter-agency Working Group on AI to coordinate the UN system’s expertise on AI and provide a foundation for current and future system-wide efforts on AI.

We stand at a critical juncture, with global digital transformation accelerating while crucial development progress has been set back.

This report is being released at ITU’s sixth World Telecommunication/ICT Policy Forum (WTPF-21), which brings together policymakers and leaders from the private sector, civil society, international organizations and academia from around the world to discuss the increasing possibilities for AI and other emerging information and communication technologies to drive sustainable development.  

As we look to the future and aim to connect and empower all people by 2030, there is no longer any doubt that AI and other emerging technologies will play a key role.  

I congratulate all 40 UN agencies and bodies on their AI activities and recommend this publication to all those committed to ensuring that AI serves as a positive force for all humanity.

Based on Mr. Zhao’s foreword in the forthcoming report on UN Activities in Artificial Intelligence, to be launched on 16 December during the Sixth World Telecommunication/ICT Policy Forum (WTPF-21).

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