




Name : TOMLINSON, Sophie
Date : 七月 07, 2017
Organization : International Chamber of Commerce
Country : France
Job Title :

Contribution : ICC would like to thank the ITU for providing the opportunity for stakeholders to share comments on the strategic plan for 2020-2023 and remains available to provide further information and examples of the concerns raised in this submission. With a membership of over six million companies, chambers of commerce and business associations in more than 100 countries, ICC has demonstrated a consistently strong commitment to both voice the perspectives of businesses worldwide and to work cooperatively with all stakeholders to support and advocate for effective and impactful multistakeholder approaches to digital economy and Internet governance issues. In this context, ICC encourages the ITU to support the continued fulfilment of the full potential of the Internet and information communication technology in the service of sustainable development through flexible, globally-consistent, and market-driven technical standards developed in close consultation with all stakeholders.

Attachments : ICC_ITU.SP.07.2017.pdf