SpaceCom - Capture system for comments on Special Sections
SpaceCom software package is a stand-alone application designed to assist administrations and the Bureau in the management of the comments on four types of Special Sections: CR/C, API/A, AP30-30A Part A, AP30-30A/F/C, AP30B ESIM, Part I-S subject to 11.28.1
BRSIS-Publication - Space Publication System
Software package for printing satellite networks / Earth stations from the SRS database.
BRSIS-Query – Space Query and Extract System
Software package which provides access to the Radiocommunication Bureau's Space Radiocommunication Stations database.
SpaceRefdb – Space Reference Tables
Software to install an up-to-date copy of the BR Reference tables.
BRSIS-Validation - Space filings validation software
Software for validating electronic notices captured by the BR SpaceCap software; provides interactive validation facility in SpaceCap.
SPS – Space Plans System (MSPACEg)
The SPS computer system has been developed to allow determination of the coordination requirements for the Plans for space networks in Appendices 30 and 30A of the Radio Regulations.
SRS – Space Radiocommunications Stations on DVD-ROM
As of January 2012, the Space Radiocommunications Stations (SRS) on DVD-ROM is replaced by the BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Space Service. For more information please refer to BR IFIC Space Services.
BRSIS-SRSConvert – Database Conversion Utility
Utility which allows the user to convert the data contained in an existing SRS-formatted database from an old version database into a new version database.
SRSFixDB – Fix Electronic Notification Database Utility
Utility that was created to correct certain information in electronic notification databases that were sent to the BR.