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E-waste Policies and Regulatory Frameworks

Handbook for the development of a policy framework on ICT/e-waste

NEW The ITU-D publication entitled Handbook for the Development of a Policy Framework on ICT/E-waste will help governments to create national policies, laws and regulations in order to establish effective environmental frameworks in the areas of Telecom/ICT generated e-waste. The handbook will also provide information on setting out mechanisms to control the import, reuse and or production of ICT devises as well as for the rational and environmentally sound processes for the recycling and disposal of electric and electronic equipment that generates e-waste. 

Developing an e-waste national policy and regulatory framework for Malawi

​​NEW  Developing an e-waste national policy and regulatory framework for Malawi. This report presents the development of a national policy and regulatory framework, including a strategy and action plan for electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) management in Malawi. It provides an overview of the current e-waste treatment and a forecast of e-waste volumes and values related to specific electronic devices: mobile phones, computers and television (TV) sets; it identifies activities and responsibilities for each stakeholder from, both private and public sector, as well a financing model of the e-waste management system to be established in the country.

E-waste Management Policy and Regulatory Framework for Saint Lucia

The ​ITU-D study entitled E-waste Management Policy and Regulatory Framework for Saint Lucia was developed taking into consideration Saint Lucia’s specific needs on the e-waste issue. The output developed by ITU-D Study Group Question 6/2 during the previous study period was taken into account during the development of the sample policy for Saint Lucia.