ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


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interconnected virtual regional and global events for the regulatory community


The 21st Global Symposium for Regulators Programme (GSR+21) was held from April to June 2021, with all meetings and sessions online, and including new options and features. Regional Sessions were held from April to June (see dates below), and core sessions from 21 to 25 June 2021 under the theme:
Regulation 4 digitaltransformation: Accelerating inclusive connectivity, access and useIn the lead up to GSR+21 Global events in June, each region held a regulatory and economic dialogue to dive deep in the issues closest to you. Learn more about each event in the "EVENTS" tab. 

#️⃣ Share the GSR outcomes with your networks: ​​Follow & tag @ITUDevelopment and @ITU​​. Join the conversation with #ITUGSR​​

Outcome report 
(Englishعر​ب​ي​​​​​, ​​文​​​EspañolFrançais​​Русс​к​ий​​​

​Best Prac​tice Guidelines 
​​(Eng​lish​​​​, عر​ب​ي​​​​​, 中​​文​​​Español​​Français​​Русск​ий​​) ​​​

​ Explore GSR-21 supporting products and documents

​​Publications ​

📙 ​Collaborative Regulation Case Studies:
​​Tanz​ania - A solid base for moving to G5 regulation
Switching on Smart Rwanda: Digital inclusion, collaboration and G5 mindset​​

📙 ​The Economic impact of broadband and digitization through the COVID-19 pandemic: Econometric modelling​

📙 ​Telecommunication industry in the post-COVID-19 world (Report of the 7th ITU Economic Experts Roundtable)​

📙 ​Pandemic in the internet age: From second wave to new normal, recovery, adaptation and resilience New #REG4COVID ​report
Regulators, policy makers and other interested stakeholders share best practices to improve COVID-19 response.​

📙 ​ITU-World Bank Digital Reg​ulation Handbook​​  Now in all UN languages

z Regional Regulatory Associations (RA-21) Meeting​​​​


🌐 ITU-World Bank Digital Regulation Platform Check the new articles
Provides practical guidance and best practice for policy makers and regulators across the globe concerned with harnessing the benefits of the digital economy and society for their citizens and firms. 

🌐 G5 Accelerator​
Evidence and practical advice to support regulators embarked on their journey to fifth generation collaborative regulation. 

🌐 ICT Policy Impact lab​

🌐 ICT Regulatory Tracker 2020​ (new edition)​

​​Discussion papers 

📑 ​Financing Universal Access to Digital Technologies and Services​
📑 Collaborative Regulation Case Study - Romania
📑 Collaborative Regulation Case Study - Moldova​​
📑 Digital Competition Policy and Regulation in the Africa and Arab regions​
📑 G5 Benchmark Expert Report to the Review Board


Catch up on regional events' outcomes

​​GSR+21 Europe and Africa​
🔎 Outcome report (English)
GSR+21 Americas 
​🔎 Outcome report (English​)
GSR+21 Arab States
🔎 Outcome report (English​)
GSR+21 Asia and t​he Pacific 
🔎 Outcome report (English)
​GSR+21 Commonwealth of Independen​t States​
🔎 Outcome report (English​)

Catch up on global sessions

​📩 Invitation letter (English​​, عر​ب​ي​​, 中文, Español​, Français, Русский​​​​​) ​​

🎫 ​​Global sessions recording available here

📸 Photos and session illustrations available here 


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