About Africa NoW4WTDC

The Africa Network of Women for WTDC (Africa NoW4WTDC) was lauched in March 2021 on occasion of the ITU/ATU Joint Regional Preparatory Meeting for WTDC

​Africa NoW4WTDC has as its objective to:

  • Establish a community where female delegates can support each other, expand their network, advocate, and share experience and knowledge;
  • Promote the active participation of women in the activities of the ITU-D sector and ITU in general;
  • Give visibility to women and empower them for larger responsibilities in their respective delegations, at WTDC-21 and in future similar platforms; and
  • Encourage experienced delegates to mentor fellow female professionals in order to create a stronger base for women in the digital space.​​​

Activities and events

In addition to meetings that the Africa NoW4WTDC ​organizes back-to-back with or during regional events, specific webinars and get togethers are organized. Africa NoW members can share ideas and proposals for future activities and events during meetings of the network. Africa NoW4WTDC members are invited to share information on NoW events that they are organizing at the national, sub-regional and regional level so that these can be promoted through the Africa NoW website and network. ​​

Join Africa NoW4WTDC!​

The Africa Network of Women​ for WTDC (Africa NoW4WTDC) was lauched in March 2021 on occasion of the ITU/ATU Joint Regional Preparatory Meeting for WTDCAfrica NoW4WTDC has as its objective to:

The network is growing and we would be pleased to hear from you. If the objectives of the network and its activities are of interest, do get in touch. We would be interested in hearing why you wish to join the network and any specific ideas that you have. As the network is maintained and managed by its members the active participation and idea sharing amongst the members is at its core. Fill in your contact details and reasons for joining Africa NoW here (create SharePoint form and add link) and we will get back to you with information on the next steps. ​

Contact Africa NoW4WTDC

​Contact the ITU Regional Office for Africa for additional information or any questions you may have concerning Africa NoW4WTDC. The team will be pleased to hear from you!​

Global NoW4WTDC mentorship program

The global Network of Women for the World Telecommunication Development Conference (NoW4WTDC) initiative aims at building capacity for the WTDC process and encouraging active participation of women as delegates, chairs, vice-chairs, among other leadership roles in the conference structures and ITU-D in general. The mentorship programme is open to women participating in all events in preparation for WTDC in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Any female delegate willing to be a mentor or mentee can join the mentorship programme.

The global NoW4WTDC mentorship programme was launched in May 2021. Details can be found in the brochure.

Sign up to become a mentee (accepting applications)

Sign up to become a mentor (accepting applications)


Communication and social media

The network maintains a Teams platform and mailing list to be able to keep the network informed of progress made, achievements and upcoming activities. 

Africa NoW LinkedIn group:

  • ITU Africa NoW 

Hashtags used: 


A regular ITU Africa NoW4WTDC newsletter is foreseen. The community is encouraged to propose text for the newsletter and be part of Africa NoW4WTDC Communictations team of volunteers.​​

Up​coming activities and w​ebinars

  • ​Africa NoW4WTDC facilitated fireside chat on 'Discussion on the importance of professional networking and gaining outside perspectives – a delegate’s perspective' on 3 February 2022 (virtual event​)
  • Africa NoW4WTDC webinar 'Understanding the digital gender gap in Africa' (date TBC)
  • Africa NoW4WTDC webinar 'Bridging the digital gender gap: what role for education?' (date TBC)
  • Africa NoW4WTDC webinar 'Bridging the digital gender gap: what role for policy?' (date TBC)
  • Africa NoW4WTDC webinar 'Africa NoW in preparation for WTDC-22' (date TBC)​

​Ongoing activities

  • NoW mentorship programme. Interested mentors and mentees from across the continent are invited to sign up (mentors can sign up here here and mentees here). Details can be found in the brochure.

Past activities 

  • ​​Africa NoW4WTDC webinar 'An introduction and overview of the ITU Development Sector' on 6 September 2021 (virtual event)
  • Connect2Include.Include2Connect as part of the Road2Addis series of events: (virtual event)
  • Africa NoW4WTDC launch and side event at the ITU/ATU Joint Regional Preparatory Meeting for WTDC for Africa on 30 March 2021 (virtual event)
  • NoW global event as side event at the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG-21) meeting on 28 May 2021 (virtual event)​

Quick access to all events

  • ​Africa NoW4WTDC facilitated fireside chat on 'Discussion on the importance of professional networking and gaining outside perspectives – a delegate’s perspective' on 3 February 2022 (virtual event)

  • Africa NoW4WTDC webinar 'An introduction and overview of the ITU Development Sector' on 6 September ​2021 (virtual event)​

  • ​​Connect2Include-Include2Connect as part of the Road2Addis series of events: (virtual event)
  • Africa NoW4WTDC launch and side event at the ITU/ATU Joint Regional Preparatory Meeting for WTDC for Africa on 30 March 2021 (virtual event)
  • NoW global event as side event at the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG-21) meeting on 28 May 2021 (virtual event)​

Welcome to the Africa Network of Women for WTDC