
The Africa Network of Women for WTDC (Africa NoW4WTDC), with support from the ITU Regional Office for Africa, is pleased to invite you to a webinar on “An introduction and overview of the ITU Development Sector”, which will take place virtually on 6 September 2021, at 15:00-17:00 EAT. English and French simultaneous interpretation will be available for the webinar. This is the first in a series of topical regional webinars that the network is planning in preparation for the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC).

The webinar will provide insight into the work of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) and the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) with a view to explore how Africa NoW4WTDC advocates can effectively prepare, contribute, take up leadership roles and participate in WTDC. It will also provide an overview on the WTDC preparatory process with guidance and tips relating to how to contribute to discussions that will take place at WTDC. 

Lauched in March 2021 on occasion of the ITU/ATU Joint Regional Preparatory Meeting for WTDC, Africa NoW4WTDC has as its objective to:

  • Establish a community where female delegates can support each other, expand their network, advocate, and share experience and knowledge;
  • Promote the active participation of women in the activities of the ITU-D sector and ITU in general;
  • Give visibility to women and empower them for larger responsibilities in their respective delegations, at WTDC-21 and in future similar platforms; and
  • Encourage experienced delegates to mentor fellow female professionals in order to create a stronger base for women in the digital space.​​

We look forward to welcoming you to the Africa NoW4WTDC webinar.


​Welcome and opening remarks ​

  • Caecilia Nyamutswa, ​​Convener of Africa NoW4WTDC; Director, Legal Services,​​ Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) and Vice-Chair for Africa, Inter-regional Meetings to prepare for WTDC-21, and Rapporteur, ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 5/1
  • Andrew Rugege, Regional Director for Africa, ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau
Group photo

Overview of the ITU Development Sector and the work of the Telecommunication Development Bureau

Questions to be asked:

  • How is ITU-D structured and where does it fit within ITU?
  • What is its purpose and what role does it play in Development and the drive to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?
  • What are some examples of the work undertaken globally and in the region? 


  • Christine Sund, Senior Advisor, ITU Regional Office for Africa

Contributions from the membership to ITU-D study groups, TDAG, regional preparatory meetings and the WTDC 

Questions to be asked:

  • What contributions to ITU-D study groups, TDAG, regional preparatory meetings and the WTDC can Africa NoW4WTDC members make and what is the process for this?


  • Anne Rita Ssemboga, Programme Officer, ITU Area Office for Southern Africa 
  • Sophiyat Sadiq, Representative, ITU Generation Connect Youth Group for Africa 
  • Rosheen Awotar-Mauree, ITU-D Study Group Advisor 
  • Maite Comas, BDT Events and Operations Coordinator

The ideal composition of a country delegation to WTDC 

Questions to be asked:

  • What is the ideal composition of a country’s delegations to the WTDC (recommended composition, roles that women can play at the conference, etc.) and why does this matter? 


  • Regina Fleur Assoumou Bessou, Director for International Cooperation/ Directeur de la Coopération Internationale, Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications de Côte d'Ivoire (ARTCI) and Chair of ITU-D Study Group 1 and TDAG Vice-Chair
Overview of Africa’s preparations for WTDC and the role that Africa NoW4WTDC can play 

Questions to be asked:

  • ​How are countries in Africa preparing for WTDC?


  • Meriem Slimani, Standardization and Development Coordinator, African Telecommunications African Telecommunications Union (ATU)
Open discussion, questions and answers​​​​

Summary and closing
  • ​Caecilia Nyamutswa, ​​Convener of Africa NoW4WTDC



Who should attend?

Policy makers and female leaders from Africa, representative from ITU Member States ​and representatives preparing for WTDC, and membership at large with an interest in advocating for, and taking action, for women in tech.


Registration for the Africa NoW4WTDC webinar on An introduction and overview of the ITU Development Sector" has now closed. We look forward to welcoming you at the next webinar.   ​​


Contact Caecilia Nyamutswa (POTRAZ, Zimbabwe)(nyamutswa@potraz.gov.zw) for Africa NoW4WTDC and Christine Sund, ITU Regional Office for Africa (christine.sund@itu.int) are available to provide additional information or respond to any questions you may have. 

Social Media


Access the main Africa NoW4WTDC website here​

Africa Network of W​omen​ for WTDC (NoW4WTDC) webinar
Africa NoW4WTDC webinar: ‘An Introduction and overview of the ITU Development Sector’

6 September 2021
12:00-14:00 GMT / 14:00-16:00 CAT​/ 15:00-17:00 EAT​