Committed to connecting the world

GCI 2016

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The next iteration of GCI is under elaboration with an enhanced index, more open consultations and more partners.​ A multi‐stakeholder approach, that leverages the expertise of different organizations, with the objectives of improving the quality of the GCI, instigating international cooperation, and promoting knowledge exchange on this topic, has been formulated. ​

GCI2016 online survey is closed. We have received 136 responses.

The GCI has been successfully recognized at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Busan and included under Resolution 130 (Rev. Busan, 2014) on strengthening the role of ITU in building confidence and security in the use of information and communication technologies. Specifically, Member States are invited “to support ITU initiatives on cybersecurity, including the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI), in order to promote government strategies and the sharing of information on efforts across industries and sectors”.

Following the ITU-D SG2Q3 rapporteur’s meeting of April 2015, the GCI 2016 questionnaire incorporates questions for the ITU-D SG2Q3 survey as well as specific questions on Child Online Protection. The reference model, partnership model and questionnaire were elaborated with an open consultation to Member States through the ITU-D SG2Q3. Partnership currently comprises 13 entities​. The database of GCI country focal points is being built following the circular letter sent to Member states in December 2015. The online questionnaire has been developed and a panel of experts will be set up to devise the weightages for GCI score calculation.

The GCI is expected to become a regular (annual) exercise such that the yearly results will enable further analysis of trends in the cybersecurity commitment of Member States. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to help foster a global culture of cybersecurity and therefore build confidence & security in the use of ICTs, a key mandate of the ITU.

