ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


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​ITU empowers countries to enhance their cybersecurity readiness, protection, and incident response capabilities by conducting dynamic cyberDrills at both regional and national levels. These ITU regional cyberDrills create a powerful platform for collaboration, fostering discussions and sharing critical insights on emerging cybersecurity challenges. They also offer hands-on exercises tailored for national Computer Incident Response Teams (CIRTs) and Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs)​, driving tangible improvements in their preparedness and response strategies.


  • 06-08 May 2025, Global CyberDrill 2025
  • ITU Regional CyberDrill for the Americas Region: San José, Costa Rica, 09–13 June 2025
  • ITU Regional CyberDrill for the Africa Region: Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, 01–04 July 2025
  • ITU Regional CyberDrill for the Arab Region: Rabat, Morocco, 15–19 September 2025
  • ITU Regional CyberDrill for the Asia and the Pacific Region: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 22–26 September 2025
  • ITU Regional CyberDrill for the CIS Region: Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 06–09 October 2025


​The ITU Regional CyberDrills are dynamic, high-impact events designed to:

  • Elevate cybersecurity capacity and capabilities through robust regional collaboration and cooperation.
  • Empower countries to enhance their awareness and ability to actively participate in and shape the development and deployment of strategic defenses against cyber threats.
  • Strengthen international cooperation among Member States, ensuring sustained, unified efforts in countering cyber threats.
  • Boost Member States' incident response capabilities and enhance intercommunication for swift, coordinated action.
  • Support Member States in developing and implementing effective operational procedures to respond more efficiently to diverse cyber incidents, while identifying opportunities for future planning and improvement in CIRT processes and operational procedures.



Days 1 and 2 are all about empowering participants through dynamic capacity-building sessions and engaging workshops, including those focused on critical infrastructure protection, COP, Cybersecurity Strategies, International Discussions on Cybersecurity related themes.

Day 3 is the pivotal conference day, featuring insightful presentations and thought-provoking panel discussions on the most pressing issues, cutting-edge assessments, and emerging trends in cybersecurity threats.

Days 4 and 5 are action-packed, centered around immersive scenarios that simulate real-world cyber incidents. Participants tackle a series of high-impact attacks, meticulously crafted by ITU experts on the Cyber Range platform. Here, participants are challenged to investigate, analyze, and develop effective mitigation strategies. These hands-on exercises are designed to sharpen skills, validate policies, and enrich plans, procedures, and processes, ensuring robust preparation, prevention, response, recovery, and continuity of operations.



Global CyberDrill 2024​
Global CyberDrill 2024​
ITU 2021 Global Cyb​erDrill​
ITU 2020 Global CyberDrillSeptember-November 2020, Online event

02-06 September 2024Accra ,Ghana: ITU - INTERPOL regional CyberDrill​
10-13 December 2024, Kigali, Rwanda: Rwanda National CyberDrill​
8-12 May 2023, Lilongwe, Malawi: Regional CyberDrill for Africa
Eswatini​, 16 December 2020
Kampala, ​​​Uganda​, 18-21 November 2019​​​
Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast, 1-5 October 2018​
​​​​​Livingstone, Zambia, 29 Sept - 01 October 2014
​​​Kigali, Rwanda, 5-7 May 201​5
​​​​​Port-Louis, Mauritius, 4-8 April 2016
​​Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam, 13 –17 November 2017

14-17 May 2024, Caracas, Venezuela: ​13th Event of Cyber Capacity Building in America - Andino
23-27 September 2024, Lima, Peru: Americas Regional CyberDrill​
19-23 June 2023, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: CyberDrill for America
25-28 September, Santiago, Chile: Sub-regional CyberDrill for Americas
​10th America Cyberdrill, Honduras, 21-24 November 2022​
​​La Plata (Buenos Aireas), Argentina, 4-8 June 2018​
​​​​​Montevideo, Uruguay, 26-28 August 2013
​​Lima, Peru, 08-10 September 2014 
​​Bogota, Colombia, 03-05 August 2015 
Quito - Ecuador, 27 June - 01 July 2016
​​Paramaribo, Suriname, 03-07 July 2017​

29-31 May 2024,  Marrakech, Morocco: ITU Regional Cybersecurity Readiness Exercise​
​28-30 October 2024, Muscat, Oman: Regional Cybersecurity Week and Arab Regional and OIC-CERT CyberDrill
09-12 October 2023, Abu Dhabi: Inter-regional CyberDrill for Arab Region and CIS
Oman, 27-31 October 2019​​
Kuwait City, Kuwait, 21-25 October 2018​
​​​Amman, Jordan, 15-1​7 July 2012​
​​​​Muscat Oman, 22-24 October 2013
​​​Hurghada, Egypt, 17-19 May 2015​
​​​​Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia , 23-27 May 2016

19-21 November 2024, Brunei Darussalam​: Asia and the Pacific Regional CyberDrill​
8 November - 1 December 2023:  Interregional CyberDrill for Europe and Asia-Pacific​
​ASEAN-ITU 2022 CyberDrill​
​2022 Pakistan CyberDrill
2022 ITU-Bhutan joint CyberDrill​
2021 India-ITU Joint CyberDrill for Indian Entities​
​CyberDrill for the Pacific Islands​, ​8-10 December 2020
Kuala Lumpu​r, Malaysia, 23-27 September 2019​
​​​Yangon, Myanmar, 01 December 2011​​​
​​Vientiane, Lao PDR, 09-11 December 2013

25-29 November 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria: ITU Cybersecurity Forum and CyberDrill for Europe and Mediterranean
04-06 December 2024, Yerevan, Armenia: ITU National CyberDrill for Armenia​
8 November - 1 December 2023:  Interregional CyberDrill for Europe and Asia-Pacific​
Bucharest, Romania, 27-31 May 2019​​
Baku, Azerbaijan, 3-7 September 2018​
Limassol, Cyprus, 26-30 November 2018​​​​
​​​​Sofia, Bulgaria, 23-25 October 2012​​​​​
​​​Istanbul, Turkey, 15 – 16 May 2014
Budva, Montenegro, 30 Sept - 2 October 2015 
​​Chisinau, Moldova , 21-23 November 2017


PDF/Link to​ Operational framework and guidelines for the planning and execution of ITU regional cyberdrills
PDF/Link to Cyberdrill partici​​p​ants' handout