ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

A Bright Future in ICTs: Opportunities for a New Generation of Women

A Bright Future in ICTs​: Opportunities for a​​​​ New Generation of Women (2012) ​​

​​​​ITU Digital Skills Toolkit

The future of the ICT sector is exciting. These are unchartered waters open to creativity, innovation and entirely new ways of working, interacting and learning that should appeal to women and men alike. The Institute for the Future identifies six drivers most likely to shape the future workforce: longer life spans; a rise in smart devices and systems; advances in computational systems such as sensors and processing power; new multimedia technology; the continuing evolution of social media; and a globally connected world. The ICT sector clearly underpins this future. 

This summary report surveys the global trends in women’s professional development and employment in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, and offers a sample of the range of national policies, training programmes and initiatives targeting girls and women as potential students and professionals.

Download the report: عربي - English - Français - Español - Русский - 中文.