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ATU-ITU Joint Workshop on Early Warning for All (EW4ALL), 12 September 2024


Background and Introduction

On 23 March 2022, the UN Secretary-General launched the Early Warnings for All initiative which called for every person on Earth to be protected by early warning systems by 2027.

Advances in early warning systems and preparedness have saved tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars. People-centered, end-to-end, multi-hazard early-warning systems can help minimize the harm to people, assets, and livelihoods by triggering early action that is well-prepared and tested. Early warning and early action stand as one of the best-proven and cost-effective methods for reducing disaster deaths and losses. 

The success of the EW4All involves mobilizing international support to fund the executive Action Plan pillars; strengthening regional coordination and collaboration around early warning coverage; and building political momentum and support to bring together all relevant government agencies and representatives from all of society. 

The four pillars that make up the early warning chain are disaster risk knowledge; detection, observations, monitoring, analysis and forecasting of hazards; warning dissemination and communication; and preparedness to respond.  Pillar 3 warning dissemination and communication is led by the International Telecommunicating Union (ITU) with support from IFRC, REAP, UNDP and WMO, and others, and focusing on last-mile connectivity to ensure that clear and understandable warnings reach people at risk in time to act.

The ITU Regional Office for Africa attended the Africa Telecommunication Union (ATU) second preparatory meeting for WTDC-25, where the regional body expressed interest in a workshop/webinar on EW4All for the African Region. ITU, in collaboration with ATU, is organizing a webinar in response to this request.


The primary objective of this webinar is to raise awareness about the EW4All initiative, and provide an in-depth understanding of Pillar 3 objectives and ITU work. It aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to implement effective early warning systems within their respective regions and provide them with a detailed understanding of the role of telecommunication/ICT stakeholders in EW4All.​

Target Audience

The webinar is intended for Telecommunication/ICT industry representatives from membership of ITU and ATU, including policymakers, disaster management professionals, and other relevant stakeholders.​

Expected Outcomes


​​​ Time Activity Details
14:00 - 14:15Official Opening
Moderator to open the workshop​​

ing remarks: 

Mr Cosmas Zavazava, Director, Telecommunication Development Sector (BDT), ITU

Mr  John Omo, Secretary-General, ATU

14:15 - 15:00ITU Presentation on EW4AllIn-depth presentation on EW4All
15:00 - 15:55Q&A Session
Open questions
15:55 - 16:05Closing RemarksFinal comments from Moderator