Committed to connecting the world

Smart Sustainable Development Model (SSDM) Initiative

Today more than ever before, the world is threatened by disasters characterized by unprecedented frequency and magnitude with a massive impact on both developed and developing economies.   

The Initiative aims to create actions necessary to deploy the crucial telecommunications infrastructure that contribute to giving rapid assistance in case of natural disasters, and could also be used as a working tool to foster economic and social development, providing community telecommunication services where people can have access to education, health or best practices in any particular field.​​​​

Linking ICTs development to emergency telecommunications, opens opportunities for countries to attain sustainable development, and that access to, and use of, telecommunications services brings innumerable social opportunities and helps to stimulate economic growth of all nations, thereby benefiting the daily lives of all citizens.

The objectives of the initiative


Reasons to join the Initiative

Address solutions to common problems through crowdsourcing and partnerships:
SSDM Initiative will provide a platform for information exchange and it will also seek solutions to common problems, convince policy makers and will provide an important opportunity for partnerships.
Leverage your ideas by making use of expertise of ITU and others:
As an international organization with 193 Member States and 700 Sector Members ITU and its membership count on their vast knowledge of ICTs and its potential for development purposes. 

Get your voice heard to shape the future by collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders:
SSDM platform will provide tremendous opportunity for private business entities and NGOs to have access to and work together with policy makers, governments and other international organizations.