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Multi-Stakeholder Workshop in Gaborone

Event:   Bridging the Digital Innovation Divide: Accelerating Digital Transformation towards 4th industrial revolution
Date:     11 - 12 December 2017, Gaborone, Botswana


The Multi-stakeholder Workshop on Bridging the Digital Innovation Divide: Accelerating Digital Transformation towards 4th industrial revolution will be held from 11 to 12 December 2017, in Gaborone, Botswana.

This workshop is organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) within the framework of the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2017 (WTDC-17), Buenos Aires. It is also contributes to the Digital Integration, one of the pillars of the countries of the African region, in particular focusing on promotion of the uptake of smart technologies and accelerating digital transformation as well as supporting skills development, access to digital talent and appropriate digital infrastructure.


This Multi-stakeholder Workshop aims at building regional and national capacities and skills in developing digital ecosystems, including designing policies, implementation programmes and projects. Programme of this workshop builds upon the recently launched toolkit on Bridging the digital innovation divide: A toolkit for strengthening ICT centric ecosystems, and will be supported by a series of national and regional best practices and initiatives fostering ICT centric innovation and digital transformation.


This multi-stakeholder workshop targets all stakeholders involved in nurturing and building digital innovation environment, favorable to entrepreneurship and creation of startups, growth and expansion of small firms, public service transformation, and sector specific digital transformation. In particular, its agenda has been customized for the needs of the ICT policy makers, regulators, national innovation agencies, development agencies, entrepreneurs, ecosystem builders, Financial stakeholders, academia as well as institutions willing to undertake a digital transformation journey fostering ICT centric innovation and developing coherent approaches to move countries towards an innovation driven economy.


Identification of stakeholders, champions and good practice programmes in the region interested in undertraining national ICT centric innovation ecosystem reviews, thereby advancing digital transformation and advancing digital integration.  Furthermore empowering participants with methodology, frameworks, tools and context relevant case studies to accelerate digital transformation through promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.


Phakalane Golf Estate Hotel Resort in
Gaborone, Botswana
Plot 61238 Phakalane


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