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Online PRIDA workshop on IMT 700 and 800 MHz and transition from analogue to digital broadcasting - 31 January – 03 February 2022

​​​​​​​The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) would like to invite experts from concerned ministries and national regulators to the online PRIDA workshop on IMT 700 and 800 MHz and transition from analogue to digital broadcasting. The workshop will be conducted online from 31 January – 03 February 2022, from 10:00 – 13:00 (Geneva time) - with English/French simultaneous interpretation.

This workshop will focus on the 700 and 800 MHz bands will provide participants with:
     • ​details of the sharing and compatibility studies between IMT and other systems; 
​​      be​st practices on refarming those spectrum bands;
     • spectrum licensing and pricing; and
     • latest market developments.

The workshop is expected to help participants to identify the shortcomings in their national legislations and regulation and explore opportunities where PRIDA can help the administration in improving their national regulations and facilitating the deployment of IMT in those bands.

PRIDA is an initiative by the African Union, the European Union and the ITU. It is also supported by ATU, Regional Economic Communities, Regional Regulatory Associations, National Regulators and other stakeholders.

We look forward to your respective participation in this event. For further details about PRIDA, you can access either the ITU PRIDA Pages​ or the global PRIDA Website

For any additional information, you may contact:
      Mr. Jimmy-Christel Ngoma
      PRIDA Project Manager
