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Regional Innovation Forum for Africa

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The Regional Innovation Forum for AFR (RIF-AFR) Fostering Digital Entrepreneurship and Start-up Ecosystems will take place virtually on 29th October 2020 and organized by the International Telecommunications Union.

The RIF-AFR is part of a five-day immersive global programme that will take the participants on global and regional learning journeys to prepare them to accelerate digital transformation in their communities.

This forum is organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) within the framework of the ​​World Telecommunication Development Conference 2017 (WTDC-17)​, Buenos Aires. It also contributes to digital integration; one of the pillars of countries in the African region, with particular emphasis on promoting the adoption of smart technologies and accelerating digital transformation, as well as on skills development, access to digital talents and digital technologies implemented Infrastructures.

OBJECTIVE: These 4 hours RIF-AFR will empower participants with new approaches, insights, tools, frameworks, communities and relevant case studies to understand how to mainstream sustainable ecosystems that accelerate digital transformation. An immersive programme that will take the participants on a regional learning journey to prepare them to accelerate digital transformation in their communities.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: This forum is aimed at all parties involved in the creation and creation of a digital innovation environment conducive to entrepreneurship and the creation of start-ups, growth and expansion of small businesses, the transformation of the public service and the digital transformation specific to the sector. In particular, its program tailors to the needs of ICT decision makers, regulators, national innovation agencies, development agencies, entrepreneurs, ecosystem builders, financial actors, universities and institutions ready to embark on a digital transformation process promoting ICT-centric innovation and develop coherent approaches to move countries towards an innovation-driven economy.

EXPECTED RESULT: This forum is designed to empower participants with methodology, frameworks, tools and context relevant case studies to accelerate digital transformation through promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. Further to this, participants will also be able to identify and pitch sustainable projects or initiatives that are conducive to a digital innovation ecosystem. ​​​