Committed to connecting the world

Who we work with

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The programme seeks to be a catalyst, building on existing initiatives, leveraging the unique comparative advantages of an International Labour Organization / International Telecommunication Union / African Union partnership, drawing on the combined technical expertise, convening power and voice to advocate for decent jobs and skills for youth in Africa’s digital economy. The programme also leverages the networks and resources of the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for YouthWe work closely with a range of partners and stakeholders to plan and implement the joint programme​.

Founding partners


​The ILO​ is leading in the areas of youth employment analysis and data collection. It will draw from its expertise in employment and labour markets, its authority on labour standards, and its connections with governments and workers’ and employers’ organizations. 

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Supporting countries throughout their digital transformation journeys is at the heart of ITU’s work on the continent. In collaboration with partners, ITU is leading the delivery of digital capacity development and training and promoting digital skills for all, with a special focus on marginalized populations. 


As a champion of digital development and youth employment in Africa, the AU plays a key role in convening member states to share knowledge, forge partnerships, and scale up what works. ​

Country Governments

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Private Sector

Academia, Civil Society 

Multilateral and bilateral development partners​


We welcome stakeholders to support programme implementation at the continent and country levels. We look forward to establishing long-term partnerships to mobilize resources for implementation. ​Contact us at or
