ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

13th Event of Cyber Capacity Building in Americas - Andino




The 13th Event of Cyber Capacity Building - Andino is an event of ITU’s Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D).

The purpose of the event is to enhance the communication and incident response capabilities of the participating teams as well as to ensure a continued collective effort in mitigating cyber threats among the region's national Computer Incident Response Teams.

The exercises are structured around various scenarios that involves the most common types of cyberattacks while the sharing sessions, and provides a platform for cooperation and discussions on cybersecurity.

The 13th Event of Cyber Capacity Building - Andino takes place from 14 to 17 May 2024 at the kind invitation of the Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in co-organization with the National Commission of Information Technologies (CONATI) and the Superintendency of Electronic Certification Services (SUSCERTE).


The event offers a space for analysis and discussion about national needs, actions, and initiatives, plus capacity building through cyber incident simulation labs towards the protection of national critical infrastructures, and the cybersecurity of the region, among other important national critical aspects.

​The event invites cybersecurity experts from governments, institutions, and/or national CIRTs/CERTs.


The event is opened to CERTs of the Region's Member States, decision takers about cybersecurity from the administrations, Staff of telecommunication administrations, regulatory authorities, regional organizations, sector members and special guests from Americas' region: Argentina, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Belize, Dominican Rep., Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Paraguay, Panama, Nicaragua, Uruguay, and Venezuela.



