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International Satellite Symposium 2017


The Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) and Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) organized the International Satellite Symposium 2017 which took place on 31 August and 1 September 2017 at Centara Grand at Central World Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. The event was jointly organized by ITU and the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC) with support from the Australian Government. The International Satellite Symposium 2017 was preceded by a one-day Workshop on the Efficient Use of the Orbit/Spectrum Resource which was held at the same venue on 30 August 2017 and is organized by ITU.

The symposium focused on implementation of WRC decisions, legal and regulatory frameworks, technology trends and innovative products and services, emerging issues and challenges in the satellite industry. Effective competition was discussed with an aim to identify opportunities to promote and strengthen the industry. The workshop focused on satellite filing and coordination procedures, non-GSO satellite issues, and specific issues in countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

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Assistant Prof. Pakdee Manaves,
Deputy Secretary General, Office of NBTC​
Ioane Koroivuki
ITU Regional Director, ASP

Joaquin Restrepo ITU-R
Timur Kadyrov ITU-R/SSD/SSC
Attila Matas
ITU Expert
Jacques-Samuel Prolon, CCO, Kacific Broadband Satellites

Sara Lim, Senior Regulatory Officer, Inmarsat Global Ltd

Ekachai Phakdurong, Vice President, 


Bob Horton
Global VSAT Forum

Jean-François Fenech CEO, Eutelsat Asia

Keith Moala

George Samisoni Executive Member, PITA

Ethan Lavan
Director, In-Orbit Resource, Eutelsat


John Hawker
ABS Satellite

 Kulu Alu
NICTA, Papua New Guinea​

Brad Partridge
TRR, Vanuatu

Sengduangthip Sounakhen
Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Lao

Manish Mallick
Ministry of Information & Communiactions Nepal

Mohammed Ashraful Alam
BTRC, Bangladesh

Otgonbayar Bataa Communications and Information Technology Autority Mongolia

Joao Olivio Freitas National Communications Authority of Timor-Leste

Wilson Leguvaka Telecommunications Commission Solomon Islands​

Wisit Atipayakoon
ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific ​


Amal Punchihewa Director Technology and Innovation, ABU

Ting Ling Lee
Manager, Dept of Spectrum Management & Development, SES


Workshop on the Efficient Use of the Orbit/Spectrum Resource

​​ ​Wednesday 30 August 2017​

09:00 - 09:30​Registration​
09:30 - 10:00​ Opening and Introduction
The Radio Regulations (RR) [Presentation] and the World Radio Conferences (WRC) [Presentation] 
Keynote speech: Joaquin Restrepo, ITU-R
10:00 - 12:00​
​​Session 1: Impact of New Technologies and Future Trends
Impact of space technologies and trends on the orbit/spectrum resource: High Throughput Satellites, In-flight Connectivity, Electric Propulsion, Non-GSO constellations, nano/pico-satellites, Reusable Launch Vehicles, communications on the move (COTM), satellite communication in Q/V-bands, change of notifying administration.
- Attila Matas, ITU Expert [Pres​entation]
- Jacques-Samuel Prolon, Chief Commercial Officer, Kacific Broadband Satellites [Presentation]
12:00 - 13:30​Lunch break​
13:30 - 15:30​
Session 2: Implementation of WRC-15 Decision
GSO satellite filing and coordination, GSO issues, improvements to regulatory framework, lessons learned.
- Timur Kadyrov, ITU-R/SSD/SSC [Pr​esentation]
- Ethan Lavan, Director, In-Orbit Resource, Eutelsat [Pr​esentation]
- Attila Matas ITU Expert ​​​[Pr​esentation]
- Chan Yat Hung, Manager, Spectrum Management AsiaSat [Pr​esentation]
15:30 - 16:00​Coffee break​
15:30 - 16:00​
Session 3: -Non-GSO satellite issues
o EPFD validation tool – latest developments, next steps
o NGSO constellations – project status one year on
o NGSO-NGSO/GSO coordination, bringing into use, “priority” date and changes to constellations parameters
o Evolution of small satellites
o Best practices of Space Traffic Management for NGSO constellations ​
- Attila Matas, ITU Expert [Pr​esentation]
- Timur Kadyrov, ITU-R/SSD/SSC [Presentation]
- Ting Ling Lee, Manager, Dept of Spectrum Management & Development, SES World Skies [Presentation]


Thursday 31 August 2017

International Satellite Symposium 2017 - DAY 1​​​ ​
08:00 - 09:00​​Registration​​
09:00 - 09:30​
Opening Session
• Welcome Remarks by Mr Ioane Koroivuki, ITU Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific
• Opening Remarks by Assistant Professor Pakdee Manaves, Deputy Secretary General of National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand ​​
09:30 - 10:00​Group photo and coffee break​
10:00 - 10:45​
Session 1: Satellite International Regulations: Implementing WRC-15 Decisions
The session presents the main space-related Radio Regulations (RR) updates, issued from WRC-15: satellite international regulatory framework; efficient use of OSR; coordination of satellite networks; space stations filing procedures; bilateral agreements on coordination matters; terms of validity of filings and associated agreement. ​​
Moderator: Timur Kadyrov, ITU-R/SSD/SSC
   • Ethan Lavan, Director, In-Orbit Resource, Eutelsat [Presentation]
   • Bob Horton, Inmarsat  [Presentation]
10:45 - 12:30​
Session 2: WRC-19 Agenda: Challenges and Opportunities ahead
The session will discuss main space-related agenda items for next WRC-19 (Resolution 809 WRC-15): mobile-satellite service (1.2); maritime mobile-satellite service (1.9.2); meteorological-satellite service (1.2, 1.3); Earth exploration-satellite (1.2, 1.3); Appendix 30 (1.4); FFS – ESM (1.5); Non-GEOs (1.6, 1.7); Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System (1.10); Resolution 86 (7); Resolution 80 (9.3); generic stations register
Moderator: Attila Matas, ITU Expert
   • Ting Ling Lee, Manager, Department of Spectrum Management & Development, SES World Skies [Presentation]
   • Ting Ling Lee, GVF [Presentation]
   • Timur Kadyrov, ITU-R/SSD/SSC  ​​[Presentation]
12:30 - 14:00​Lunch break​
14:00 - 15:30​
Session 3: Satellite Service Regulatory Framework – Landlocked country experiences
This session will focus on satellite communications and broadcasting service regulatory framework from country perspective. Policy makers and regulators will share experience in related policy and regulation such as spectrum management, frequency coordination, licensing framework, satellite filing, and etc. ​
Moderator: Wisit Atipayakoon, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
   • Mohammed Ashraful Alam, Bangladesh Telecom Regulatory Commission (BTRC), Bangladesh [Presentation]
   • Jigme Tenzing, Ministry of Information and Communications (MoIC), Bhutan [Presentation]
   • Sengduangthip Sounakhen, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPT), Lao [Presentation]
   • Otgonbayar Bataa, Communications and Information Technology Autority (CITA), Mongolia [Presentation]
   • Manish Mallick, Ministry of Information and Communiactions (MoIC), Nepal  [Presentation]
15:30 - 16:00​Coffee break​
16:00 - 17:30​
Session 4: Satellite Service in Pacific and other Islands Countries: Country experiences

Moderator: George Samisoni, Executive Member, Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA)
   • Kulu Alu, National Information and Communications Technology Authority (NICTA), Papua New Guinea [Presentation]
   • Wilson Leguvaka, Telecommunications Commission Solomon Islands [Presentation]
   • Keith Moala, MEIDEC, Tonga [Presentation]
   • Brad Partridge, Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulator (TRR), Vanuatu [Presentation]
   • ​Joao Olivio Freitas, Executive Technical Director, National Communications Authority of Timor-Leste​ [Presentation]
18:30​Welcome dinner​

Friday 1 September 2017

​​ ​International Satellite Symposium 2017 - DAY 2
09:00 - 10:30​
​​Session 5a: Satellite Markets and Technology Trends I
This session will invite key operators, service providers, and space industry to present and discuss about satellite technologies, innovative services, market mechanism and competition, as well as business models in the satellite industry including satellite communications and broadcasting.
Moderator: Attila Matas, ITU Expert
   • Jean-François Fenech, CEO, Eutelsat Asia [Presentation]
   • Ekachai Phakdurong, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Thaicom
   • Jacques-Samuel Prolon, Chief Commercial Officer, Kacific Broadband Satellites [Presentation]
10:30 - 11:00​Coffee break​
11:00 - 12:30​
Session 5b: Satellite Markets and Technology Trends II
Moderator: Joaquin Restrepo, ITU-R
   • Sara Lim, Senior Regulatory Officer, Inmarsat Global Ltd. [Presentation]​​
   • Bob Horton, Global VSAT Forum [Presentation]
   • Timur Kadyrov, ITU-R/SSD/SSC [Presentation]
   • Amal Punchihewa, Director Technology and Innovation, Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) [Presentation]
12:30 - 14:00​Lunch break​
14:00 - 15:30​
Session 6: Big Opportunities in the Digital Economies
The session will see presentations and discussions about roles of satellites and especially the opportunities in driving digital economies and societies in the converged environment and the future of 5G
Moderator: Keith Moala, MEIDEC, Tonga
   • John Hawker, ABS Satellite [Presentation]
   • Ting Ling Lee, Manager, Department of Spectrum Management & Development, SES World Skies [Presentation]
   • George Samisoni, Executive Member, Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) [Presentation]
15:30 - 16:00​Coffee break​
16:00 - 17:30​
Wrap-up and Closing
Closing Remarks
• ITU: Closing remarks:
• NBTC Thailand Closing remarks ​