Committed to connecting the world

Girls in ICT Day Pacific


International Girls in ICT Day is celebrated worldwide every year on the fourth Thursday of April. Girls in ICT Day provides an opportunity for girls and young women to understand the benefits of ICT in enabling their careers and aspirations. Since it was established in 2011, over 377,000 girls and young women have participated in more than 11,400 International Girls in ICT Day celebrations in 171 countries worldwide.

The Girls in ICT events work towards cultivating the presence of girls and young women [aged 12-24] in the fields of STEM, particularly in ICTs. Given the success of the initiative each year, ITU will continue the efforts to promote Girls in ICT throughout the year with 2023 marking a launching point for a new model of Girls in ICT year-long activities.

This year Girls in ICT Day was on 27 April and followed the 2023 theme of “Digital Skills for Life!". According to ITU's latest data, the proportion of women using the Internet globally amounts to 57 per cent, compared to 62 per cent of men. If women are unable to access the internet or do not feel safe online, they will not be able to develop digital skills and participate in digital spaces. This would diminish their opportunities to pursue a career in STEM fields.

In the Pacific region, the Girls in ICT Day initiative aims to encourage girls and young women to pursue studying STEM subjects, enhance their level of digital skills, and raise awareness on meaningful and safe use of ICT.

​The celebration on the 27 April 2023 has been organized by the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC), the Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA), and the ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific with a series of the online training programmes via Zoom platform.​​

Drawing upon the success of developing national and regional programmes for Girls in ICT, the Pacific Girls in ICT Day Programme was lanched on 27th April 2023 together with national government, UN agencies, Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) and Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC). The programme aims to encourage girls and young woman to pursue studying STEM, enhance their level of digital skill, and raise awareness on meaningful and safe use of ICT.​

In order to share experiences from the programme in 2023, enhance partnerships going forward and invite commitments to further strengthen the programme, a final event is being organized on 20th October 2023 in Suva, Fiji back-to-back with PITA Strategy Forum​
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To share experiences from the Pacific Girls in ICT Day Programme 2023 and enhance partnerships to scale out the programme going forward.

​​Expected Outcomes

  • Enhanced awareness on the Pacific Girls in ICT Day Programme 2023 inlcuding the experiences from the Pacific.
  • Increased interests from governments, industry, development organizations, UN agencies, civil society in strengthening Pacific Girls in ICT Day programme going forward​

During the programme, girls and young women who participated in the Girls in ICT Day digital skills training will also share their experiences and aspirations carried over from what they achieved after attending several sessions.​

Targeted Participants:

Honourable guests from UN Resident Coordinator's Office, Government Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Commissions, teachers, students, girls and young women in the Pacific​

Agenda Girls in ICT Day Pacific 2023, 20 October 2023

Girls in ICT Day Pacific 2023
Date: 27 April 2023

08:30-09:00 (GMT+12) Suva time
  • Registration and event preparation on-site
  • Testing and online networking on the online platform
09:00 – 09:50 (GMT+12) Suva time
MC:  Mr. Vivek Anand, ICT Specialist – ICT Project Management, UNOPS

Opening remarks
  • Dr. Atsuko Okuda, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  • Mr. Phillip Henderson, Vice President, Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA)
  • Mr. Brian Moon, CEO, Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) (Pre-recorded video)
  • H. E. Mr. Maciu Nalumisa, Minister, Ministry of Housing and Local Government and Acting Minister for Trade, Co-operatives, and Small and Medium Enterprises, and Communications, Fiji​
Special address
  • Mr. Jaap van Hierden, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Palau, F​ederated States of Micronesia, Republic of Marshall Islands, Nauru, Kiribati
  • Mr. Themba Kalua, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Samoa, Cook Islands, Nieu, Tokelau
  • Mr. Richard Howard, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Papua New Guinea
Keynote Speech of the Girls in ICT Pacific 2023
Ms. Pauline Ross, A/g Assistant Secretary, Online Safety, the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Government of Australia
09:50 – 10:00 (GMT+12) Suva time Group photos
10:00 – 10:30 (GMT+12) Suva time

Girls in ICT Sharing Moment: “Digital skills for life!” 

Session moderator:  Ms. Olly No'oroa Daugunu, ITU Generation Connect Asia and the Pacific Youth Envoy from Fiji​

This session will bring selected participants (Girl representatives) to share their experiences and lessons learnt from the Girls in ICT Day Pacific 2023. They will also share their aspirations for future engagements in ICTs, especially in creating an accessible and safe digital environment and society for girls and women in Fiji, Tonga, FSM, Nauru, and Kiribati.

​Speakers :

  • Ms. Nilishika Sania Prasad, Vunimono High School, Fiji
  • Ms. Mele Tavake, Tupou Institute, Tonga
  • Ms. Noelani David Holomoana Pine, Kiribati
  • Ms. Madlima Leben, Senior Student, Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School, FSM
10:30–10:50 (GMT+12) Suva time 

Panel discussion on Experiences and Moving Forward​

Ms. Atsuko Okuda, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (TBC)


  • Ms. Faye Lois, Head of Customer Experience, Telecom Fiji Ltd
  • Ms. Selu Kauvaka, Founder & CEO, Tonga Women in ICT (TWICT)
  • Ms. Renga Teannaki, Senior ICT Policy Analyst, Ministry of Information, Communications and Transport Kiribati
  • Ms. Nadia Ika, ICT Department, Republic of Nauru


10:50-10:55 (GMT+12) Suva time 

Word Cloud Question:
Session Moderator :
Mr. Vivek Anand, ICT Specialist – ICT Project Management, UNOPS​

  • Moderator invites participants to share one key takeaway word from the Girls in ICT Day Pacific celebration 2023   
  • ​Moderator reads out the words for cloud on “In one word, how would you describe series of activities delivered in last a few months as part of the Girls in ICT Day Pacific 2023?

Platform: slido word cloud poll at  or please vote at using code #20Oct2023

10:55-11:05 (GMT+12) Suva time 

Closing ​
Mr. Vivek Anand, ICT Specialist – ICT Project Management, UNOPS​

Closing Remarks

  • Dr. Atsuko Okuda, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  • Mr. Phillip Henderson, Vice President, Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA)


Agenda Girls in ICT Day Pacific 2023, 27 April 2023

Girls in ICT Day Pacific 2023​
Date: 27 April 2023

08:00-08:55 (GMT+12) Suva time
  • Registration and event preparation on-site
  • Testing and online networking on the online platform
09:00 – 10:00 (GMT+12) Suva time


 Ms. Betty Mapuola, Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communication and Transport, Kiribati

Welcoming remarks

  • Ms. Atsuko Okuda, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  • Representative from PITA
  • Mr. Brian Moon, CEO, Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC)

Special address

  • Mr. Sanaka Samarasinha, United Nations Resident Coordinator to Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu
  • Mr. Jaap Van Hierden, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Marshall Islands, Nauru, Kiribati
  • Ms. Simona Marinescu, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Samoa, Cook Islands, Nieu, Tokelau
  • Mr. Richard Howard, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Papua New Guinea

​Keynote speech

Dr. Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava, Director, Telecommunications Development Bureau, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)  

Keynote Speech and official launching of the Girls in ICT Pacific 2023

  • Representative from Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Australia
  • Honourable Mr. Manoa Kamikamica, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Communications, Fiji
  • Mr. Mitateti Mote, Secretary of the Ministry of Information, Communication and Transport, Kiribati
  • Ms. Nadia Ika, Director of ICT Administration, Department of Information, Communications and Technology,  Ministry for Telecommunications, Nauru
  • Representative from Ministry of Communications, Tonga
10:00 – 10:05 (GMT+12) Suva timeGroup photos
10:05 – 10:35 (GMT+12) Suva time

Talking tech – Girls and Women in ICT on “Digital Skills for Life!"

Interactive interview/conversation between a girl or young woman (Representative from youth leader of Generation Connect Asia and the Pacific) and the Girls in ICT Day Pacific Partners to share experiences about this year's Girls in ICT 2023 theme on “Digital Skills for Life!".

This session will be divided into two sections with participation of the Girls in ICT Day Pacific partners from the UN Agencies and members of the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC), discussing specific topics focusing on the “Digital Skills for Life!" moderated by the youth leader from the Pacific region.

10:35 – 11:05 (GMT+12) Suva time

Session 1:

(Virtual session)

Talking tech with the UN agencies and intergovernmental organisations

11:05 – 11:35 (GMT+12) Suva time

Session 2:

(Virtual session)

Talking tech with Members of the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC)

11:35-11:45 (GMT+12) Suva time


Closing Remarks

  • Ms. Atsuko Okuda, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  • Mr. Brian Moon, CEO, Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC)
  • ​Representative from PITA