Committed to connecting the world

National Workshop for Montenegro: IPv6 strategy, policy and implementation


This workshop was aimed at raising awareness at the national level with regards to the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. It showcased the work of the ITU undertaken over the past years and brief policymakers on the importance of this activity.

Beyond providing an overview of IPv6 and its relevance for the country, the workshop also addressed the main technical challenges foreseen for a successful implementation of IPv6 at the national level and elaborate on the strategic approach needed among key players to make this step forward.

The workshop also presented the steps ITU and EKIP were taking to initiate the transition to IPv6 and presented the forthcoming training of experts that would be held in the month of May. 

The workshop was targeted at all main policymakers at the country level, but also at representatives of industry, and academia, who have dedicated space to intervene with questions and comments.