Committed to connecting the world

World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database 2023 (27th edition/December 2023)

Released 12​ February​ 2024

The World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators D​​atabase on USB key and online contains time series data for the years 1960, 1965, 1970 and annually from 1975 to 2022 for more than 180 telecommunication/ICT statistics covering fixed-telephone networks, mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions, quality of service, Internet (including fixed- and mobile-broadband subscription data), traffic, staff, prices, revenue, investment and statistics on ICT ac​cess and use by households and individuals. Selected demographic, macroeconomic and broadcasting statistics are also included​. 

The WTI Database also includes:

Data are available for over 200 economies. However, ​ITU relies primarily on official economy data, availability of data for the different indicators​​ and years varies. Notes explaining data exceptions are also included. The data are collected from an annual questionnaire sent to official economy contacts, usually the regulatory authority or the ministry in charge of telecommunication and ICT. Additional data are obtained from reports provided by telecommunication ministries, regulators and operators and from ITU staff reports. In some cases, estimates are made by ITU staff; these are noted in the database.

The database is available either for one-time purchase (single issue) or as an annual subscription. The one-time purchase is available either via a USB key or as a download via the Internet. The annual subscription is available either via a USB key or via the Internet and can be accessed for a period of one year starting from delivery of the access key. The subscription service is available for single-user or multi-user licenses.

List of economies (pdf format) and indi​cators​​​ (pdf format) included in the database.

The database is available either on the basis of a single edition or as a yearly subscription:​ ​​​

Note:  As per Council 2017, the current version of the database is available free of charge to Member States via this​ li​n​k​​ and accessible with Member State TIES access only, not general TIES access.

Note: The December 2023 edition of the WTID is the last one in the series. All the data can be accessed, visualized and downloaded on the ITU DataHub