Committed to connecting the world

Other side events @ ITU-D Study Groups

​​In offering ITU-D Study Group delegates additional activities that would provide them with a further insight into the world of telecommunications/ICTs and of ITU, the following side events to the September 2014 Study Group meetings are being proposed.

Introduction to ITU-D for new members

​This short session is intended to introduce new and prospective ITU-D members to the sector, the advantages of being a member, how to access useful information and how to make the best use of the ITU-D Study Groups platform.

The half-hour sessions are in English and take place from 0830h in the Popov Room.

  • Wednesday, 17 September

Tour of ITU facilities

​Intended for first-timers in ITU, this short tour of the ITU facilities will show you the way around the three buildings that compose ITU and allow you to quickly get from one point to the other: the various meeting rooms, the cafeteria, the service desk, the vending machines, etc.

The tours are in English and depart from just outside the Popov Room (where the opening plenary of the Study Groups will have taken place) at 1230h (approximate duration: 30 minutes.)

  • Monday, 15 September
  • Monday, 22 September

Tour of the ICT Discovery

​Next year, ITU will be celebrating its 150th anniversary.  We would like to propose that you come to explore these 150 years at the ICT Discovery: the start, the milestones, the accomplishments.  You will finish the tour with a return to the present and even a peek into the future...

The ICT Discovery is located on the 2nd floor of the Montbrillant Building
Tours are in English and take place from 1330h to 1400h.  Interested delegates should be at the ICT Discovery at 1315h to reserve a slot.  Tours in other ITU official languages are possible but require early booking.

  • Monday, 15 September
  • Wednesday, 17 September
  • Friday, 19 September
  • Monday, 22 September
  • Wednesday, 24 September
  • Friday, 26 September

​Return to the main side-events page.