ITU's 160 anniversary

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 ITU Radiocommunication Sector

ITU News

Explore more on the issues addressed and outcomes of the WRC-23:


​Space Services

Space Services

International coordination, notification and recording procedures for space systems and earth stations and examination of frequency assignment notices submitted by Administrations (Membership) for inclusion in the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR).

Manages procedures for space-related ITU assignment or allotment plans for launching of satellites.

Terrestrial Services

Terrestrial Services

International coordination, notification and recording procedures for terrestrial systems and examination of frequency assignment notices submitted by Adminis- trations (Membership) for inclusion in the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) and Plans.

Application of administrative procedures dealing with allocation of international means of identification (call sign series, MIDs) and with safety of life, processing submissions for various service publications and corresponding online information systems.

Radiocommunication Study Groups

Radiocommunication Study Groups
Study Groups: 1 3 4 5 6 7

Over 5000 specialists from telecommunication and ICT organizations and administrations throughout the world, participate in the Radiocommunication Study Groups to prepare technical bases for Radiocommunication Conferences, develop ITU-R Recommendations (radiocommunication standards) and Reports and compile radiocommunication Handbooks.

Radio Regulations

Radio Regulations

The Radio Regulations (RR) incorporates the decisions of the World Radiocomm​unication Conferences (WRCs), including all Appendices, Resolutions, Recommen- dations and ITU-R Recommendatio​ns incorporated by reference.

The Rules of Procedure are approved by the Radio Regulations Board (RRB). They complement the RR by providing clarification of the application of particular Regulations or establishing the necessary practical procedures that may not be provided for in the current Regulatory Procedures.


Obituary: It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg, a valued figure in the field of radiocommunication, who served with dedication and excellence as Chair of ITU-R Study Group 3 (2007 – 2015).

Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg's career was marked by his commitment to advancing the science of radio-wave propagation. As Chair of ITU-R Study Group 3, he played a guiding role in shaping the study and application of radio-wave propagation in the ionized and non-ionized atmosphere. His leadership was instrumental in the development and revision of numerous ITU-R P-series recommendations that contributed to the improvement of radiocommunication systems worldwide. [more]

WP 6B - Confirmed
2025-03-10 - 2025-03-13 Geneva, Switzerland
SG 6 - Confirmed
2025-03-14 - 2025-03-14 Geneva, Switzerland
WP 7A - Confirmed
2025-03-17 - 2025-03-21 Geneva, Switzerland
WP 7B - Confirmed
2025-03-17 - 2025-03-26 Geneva, Switzerland
WP 7C - Confirmed
2025-03-17 - 2025-03-26 Geneva, Switzerland
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