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GIMS Exercises & Videos

GIMS Exercises & How-to Videos

You will find here guided exercises and videos to help you discover GIMS functionalities.

For questions and comments please contact the Space Administrative Software Division.


Here are files and databases that are required to complete some of the exercises on this page.

Sample GIMS database (gsample.mdb): Download (unzip after download)
Sample GXT files: Download

​N​ew in

​​​Simplified capture of title for NGSO picture diagrams

By default, standard titles are selected. To update the diagram type, use the context menu item "Edit key": Video

Show auto-updated gain value on info points​​


Added possibility to remove points from contours​

Shift+click to remove points. Ctrl+click to add points.​

Crea​te diagrams with the Mouse Capture Tools

Demonstrate the new tools introduced in GIMS version 10 that makes it easy to create diagrams by using the mouse and interacting with the diagram window

Create a gain contour and service area: Video
Edit existing contour shape: Video
Rotate, move and adjust the size of contours: Video

​GIMS Startup

Startup GIMS and check whether the reference database is installed correctly


​Database management

Locate the database management functionalities and create a new empty database.

Instructions - Video

Database Navigation

Learn how to use the Database Explorer to browse database content, export data to another database and open a diagram. ​

Search for a notice: Video
Filter database content: Video
Export data & open a diagram: Video

Use ​GimsQry

Learn how to use the GimsQry software to browse database content.


​Discover GIMS Functionalities

Get more familiar with GIMS diagram by learning basic concepts.
Experience a few handy functionalities.

Work with diagram items, change map display: Video
Copy a diagram to MS Word: Video
Use the overlapping mode: Video

​Create a simple diagram

Create a gain contour diagram and a service area without using a digitizer: menu items are sometimes enough to get started...

Instructions - Video

​Digitize a diagram

Use a digitizer to capture a new diagram.

Sample diagrams to digitize

​GXT Manipulation

Learn how to use the functionalities related to GXT files: import, export and validation.

Export a diagram: Video
Validate a GXT file: Video
Renumber points: Video
Import a set of GXT files to a GIMS database: Video

​Basic Diagram Validation

Validate and correct a diagram

Validate a diagram: Video
Correct errors: Video

​Use of Gain Interpolation Tools

Learn how to use the gain interpolation tools

Evaluate gain at a point: Video
Work with elliptical beams: Video

Use PFD Examination Tools

Learn how to perform an interactive PFD examination

Instructions - Video 

​Use PFD Examination Tools in GIBC and GIMS

Learn to use the software GIBC and interpret the results it produces for reuse in GIMS interactive calculation tools.

Instructions - SNS/SPS Databases
Perform a PFD examination with GIBC: Video
Perform AP30 PFD examination with GIMS: Video
Solve PFD Excess: Video

​Diagram Correction - Data Consistency

Get acquainted with the various GXT validation errors and the use of the filter tool to correct them

Correct crossing contours: Video
Correct loops: Video

​Diagram Correction - Software Consistency

Learn what are the limitations imposed to diagram data by software considerations and learn how these can be fixed with the filter tool.



​How to use the information point tool


​How to show test point from the SPS Database

​Use information points as a means to display test points from the Space Plans System database.


​Information points and SpaceCap


​Use Microsoft Access® to Read a GIMS Database

Learn how to open a GIMS database with Microsoft Access®

Instructions - Video