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AI for Good Global Summit - Live Captioning

​Please find below the archives of the AI for Good Global Summit's Live Captioning:

Disclaimer: Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and are not to be considered as official written records of the AI meetings.
​Official Transcripts
Finished FileWelcome Address followed by ‘Moonshots’ - Inspiration for the Future (Room Popov)
Plenary 1: State of Play (Room Popov)
Finished File​Plenary 2: Transformations on the Horizon (Room Popov)
Finished File​Plenary 3: Future Roadmap – Collaborating for Good (Room Popov)
​Finished File​Plenary 4: Privacy, Security, Ethics and Societal Challenges (Room Popov)
Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Societal Challenges / Future of Work (Room Popov)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Societal Challenges / Humans and Machines (Room C)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Privacy and Ethics / Enhancing Privacy and Security (Room H)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Privacy and Ethics / Ethical development of AI (Room K)
​Finished File​Plenary 5: ‘Breakthrough’ Proposals on Privacy, Security, Ethics and Societal Challenges
Finished File​Plenary 6: AI for Common Good and Sustainable Living (Room Popov)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Sustainable Living / Promoting Healthier Citizens (Room K)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Sustainable Living / Smart Cities and Communities (Room H)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Common Good / AI for Prosperity (Room C)
Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Common Good / Social Good Data for All (Room Popov)
​Finished File​Plenary 7: ‘Breakthrough’ Proposals on Common Good and Sustainable Living (Room Popov)
​Finished File​Plenary 8: Poverty Reduction and Capacity Building (Room Popov)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Capacity Building / Promoting Equality in Access to AI (Room C)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Poverty Reduction / Ending Hunger (Room H)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Poverty Reduction / Disaster Prevention and Relief (Room K)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Capacity Building / Education (Room Popov)
Finished File​Plenary 9: ‘Breakthrough’ Proposals on Poverty Reduction and Capacity Building (Room Popov)
​Finished​ File​Plenary 10: Investments, Economic Aspects and Designing the Future (Room Popov)
Breakthrough Groups on Designing the Future / Roadmap for Collaboration (Room Popov)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on investment and Economic Aspects / Investing for Impact with AI (Room H)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on investment and Economic Aspects / KPI for Success (Room K)
​Finished File​Breakthrough Groups on Designing the Future / Approaches by governments, Industries, and other stakeholders (Room C)
​Finished File​Plenary 11: ‘Breakthrough’ proposals on investments, economic aspects and designing the future (Room Popov)
Finished File​Plenary 12: Closing Session - Applying AI for Good (Room Popov)