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​​​Paolo Gemma
Working Party Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 5, ITU, Senior Expert, Huawei​​

Dr. Paolo Gemma plays an active role in international standardization activities. Since 1993, he has been engaged in ETSI (European Telecommunication Standard Institute) activities and he also participates in the development of EMC standards. In 1997, Dr. Gemma joined ITU-T Study Group 5 on Environment, climate change and circular economy as a Rapporteur and he is now the Chairman of Working Party 2 “Environment, energy efficiency and the circular economy. He has participated as speaker at several conference (for example: IEEE Intelec, ITU Green Standards Week, Ewaste conference Durban, Huawei energy summit, among others). In 2002, Paolo Gemma was appointed as the Secretary of the Committee ETSI TC EE and as of 2009 he holds the position of Chairman of the EEPS EE (eco Environmental product standard) working group. He is also Vice-chairman of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative and the Co-chairman of Focus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies (FG-AI4EE) at ITU. Paolo Gemma is a senior expert of Huawei Digital Power WEU product Management and representative of Huawei on issues related to energy saving and environmental sustainability. Paolo Gemma is a graduate in electrical engineering from the University of Genoa.
Beniamino Gorini
Chairman, ETSI TC EE

Beniamino Gorini has achieved the master in Electronic Engineer in 1985 at the University “Politecnico” of Milano, Italy. Since 1986 he has been working in telecommunication industries starting in Telettra, an Italian provider of telecom equipment, later part of Alcatel group, then Alcatel-Lucent and now Nokia that is a worldwide supplier of telecom products. He started his work experience in Research & Development department of power units and later he went through positions of EMC compliance manager, Environmental compliance manager, Product quality compliance manager and standardization coordinator of Environmental standards. He is now in charge of the Environmental Compliance laboratories in Nokia Italy and has also the responsibility for the Standardization and Environmental matters. Since 1989 he has been involved in worldwide standardization bodies focusing on electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic field exposure, power supply distributions/interfaces, grounding & bonding, safety, environmental and eco-environmental topics. He has various roles in International Standardization bodies and is currently chairman of the ETSI TC “Environmental Engineering”, chairman of IEC/CISPR SC-A “EMC test instrumentation/methods/measurement uncertainty”, Vice-chairman of ITU-T SG5/WP1, Vice-chairman of ETSI ERM-EMC WG, co-chairman of CEN/CENELEC/ETSI joint WG on Mandate M/462 “Energy efficiency in ITC”.​
​​ ​Ilias Iakovidis
PhD, Adviser, Digital Aspect of Green Transition, European Commission, DG CONNECT

Ilias works on EU wide measures and initiatives that aim to improve the energy and material efficiency of ICT. He is also focused on digitalisation for circular economy, in particular, on the digital product passport as a mean to support transition to circular economy. Ilias engages with several Commission services and external stakeholders in EU and beyond,  to maximise the benefits of green digital transformation for environment, society and economy. He has initiated the European Green Digital Coalition of industries that commits to green digital transition metrics and deployments. He also manages the European Parliament Pilot project​ supporting this Coalition that is working on science-based methods to estimate the net impact of digital solutions on environment, and, in cooperation with stakeholders will develop guidelines for green digital transformation in sectors such as energy, transport, construction, agriculture and others. Before 2017 Ilias was leading the eHealth and ICT for Active and Healthy Ageing units and contributed to the EU Agenda in eHealth for over 20 years. Areas he pioneered include digitally supported Integrated Care; 'Virtual Physiological Human' (digital patient); Personal Health Systems and Electronic Health Records.
David Jensen
Coordinator, UNEP's Digital Transformation Programme

David Jensen is the coordinator of the Digital Transformation Programme at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). In this capacity, he is responsible for co-developing the new digital transformation strategy and for scaling up the use of digital technologies to accelerate climate action, nature protection and pollution prevention. He is also currently serving as UNEP’s focal point in the Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability (CODES) within the Secretary General’s Digital Cooperation Roadmap. David has been advising the UN Science Policy Business Forum on digitalizing sustainability since 2018 and was the co-author of a discussion paper entitled The Case for a Digital Ecosystem for the Environment. He also co-wrote a series of Medium articles on a Digital Ecosystem for the Planet (1, 2, 3) as well as an input on Environmental Digital Public Goods as part of the SG’s Digital Cooperation Roadmap. Within the digital space, David has co-founded numerous platforms including CODES, MapX, STRATA, Earthschool, the UN Biodiversity Lab, and the Environmental Peacebuilding Platform​
​​Malcolm Johnson
Deputy Secretary General, ITU

Malcolm Johnson is a seasoned information and communication technology (ICT) executive who has served in senior management positions at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) since 2007. Prior to his election as Deputy Secretary-General, he was Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization Bureau. Earlier, he served as International Coordinator at the United Kingdom’s Office of Communications (Ofcom), with chief responsibility for UK engagement with ITU and international regulators. As Director of the UK Radiocommunications Agency until 2003, he also acted as the European Coordinator for several World Radiocommunication Conferences.​
Francesca Poggiali
Chair, Digital for Green, AIOTI, GS1, Chief Public Policy Officer, ​Europe

Francesca is Chief Public Policy Officer, Europe at GS1 and Chair of Digital for Green at AIOTI. With more than ten years at the European Commission and the European Parliament in Brussels, and ten years for a food multinational, Francesca’s experience covers also fast-paced National government environments. Among her biggest achievements, the corporate social responsibility program for Ferrero, the convergence of environmental protection and chemical impacts in the framework of the EU Chemical reform, the fight against illicit trade through open non-proprietary standards for GS1. Francesca studied Corporate Social Responsibility at the Harvard Business School, European Law at Leeds University and at LUISS University in Rome where she received the highest recognition cum laude. She is proficient in 4 languages and she can mix them in a single sentence.​
​​Mathieu Rama
Programme Manager, Circular Electronics, Environmental Coalition on Standards

Mathieu Rama – master’s degree in environmental law – is a programme manager at ECOS, where he contributes to the Ecodesign regulatory and standardisation activities, and supports a number of EU projects under DG ENER, all with a focus on product policy, and in particular on circular electronics.  Prior to that, he has been a policy officer for RREUSE, focusing on waste management and product policies that prolong the lifetime of products through re-use. 
Luis Jorge Romero
Director General, ETSI

Luis Jorge Romero, Director General of ETSI, has 30 years of experience in the telecommunications sector. At ETSI he has initiated a global standardization partnership for Machine to Machine communications, oneM2M. He has overseen the rapid development of ETSI’s Industry Specification Groups accelerating market penetration of new technologies and has enabled the first Open Source group in ETSI. Luis Jorge has also successfully positioned the institute to take a leading role in 5G standardization through the 3GPP global partnership project and through initiatives such as ETSI’s Multi-access Edge Computing, Millimetre Wave Transmission and Network Functions Virtualization groups. He is now driving the implementation of the ETSI Strategy, an ambitious plan to prepare the institute for the future. Previously he has held diverse Director positions in Spain, Morocco and Mexico, predominantly with Telefonica. As Global Director for International Roaming​ and Standards, and Director of Innovation and Standards, he oversaw Telefonica's participation in global standardization activities, and participated directly in the work of the Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance and in the GSM Association (GSMA). Before joining ETSI in July 2011, he held the position of Director General of Innosoft and was also a partner and board member of the Madrid-based Innology Ventures.
​​Jenny Sandahl
Sustainability Director, Design and Material, Ericsson

Jenny is the Sustainability Director for Design and Material at Ericsson group being responsible for the group strategy and actions relating to Circular Economy and materials. She has a long experience in the environmental field working with a wide range of sustainability topics both from the private and public sector. Previous roles have ranged from due diligence on conflict minerals to producer responsibility, waste, water, and chemicals. EU policy and innovation has always been reoccurring themes in all roles during her twenty-year long career. Before rejoining Ericsson, she worked for 3 years with Sustainability Policy at one of Sweden’s largest Industry Associations representing the technology sector.  
K​laus Verschuere
Technical Leader, Ecodesign, Cisco

Klaus Verschuere is responsible for Cisco's engagement in EU and international sustainability and circular economy programs. He’s active within the standards organisations ITU, CENELEC and ETSI where he’s leading the development of ETSI/ITU standards on energy efficiency and data deletion for servers under the Regulation 2019/424. Klaus contributes to trade associations on topics such as the ESPR and the Digital Product Passport within Amcham, TechUK, Agoria, ITI/Green Grid and to Digital Europe where he’s been chairman of the ecodesign workgroup for several terms. He collaborates within third-party partnerships PACE, Capital Equipment Coalition, or the Circular Electronics Partnership to accelerate the circular economy within industry. His role also includes deep collaboration with internal business units to drive eco-design product compliance, sustainability programs with long-term value and Cisco’s net-zero engineering efforts. Klaus has a degree in Business Administration and a Master in Computer Science.​
​​Dominique Würges
Chairman​, ITU-T Study Group 5, Environment, EMF and Circular Economy

Dominique Würges is currently Orange Director of Institutional Relations for Standardisation. He has responsibility for relationships with international organisations involved in standardisation activities at national, European and international level (ITU, ETSI, AFNOR, etc.), and participates in the governance meetings of these organisations. He is active in many issues addressed by SDOs and foras, such as Green ICTs, network security, relations between carriers (roaming issues) or evolution of the broadcasting standardisation and system. At the international level, he has recently been elected ITU-T SG 5 Chairman, the leading Study Group in charge of Green issues for ICTs (Environment, Climate action, EMF and circular economy), and therefore being the solely European chair of the ITU-T Study groups. He previously served as vice-chair of ITU-T SG 3, in charge of economic and policy principles of international telecommunications (appointed in 2012), vice- chair of ITU-D SG 2 (ICT services and applications), and co-rapporteur for cybersecurity. He is currently Vice-Chair of ETSI General Assembly (elected in 2018). Within AFNOR, he is vice-chair of the CoS ICN (comité d’orientation stratégique).​