22 August 2022
9:30 - 9:45
Opening Remarks
Master of Ceremony: Xiaoya Yang, ITU-T Study Group 17 Counsellor
- Chaesub Lee, Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
Heung Youl Youm, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 17, Security | Professor, Department of Information Security Engineering, Soonchunhyang University, Korea (Rep. of) [Welcoming remark]
9:45 - 11:25
Session 1: Understanding the current status of 5G security and identifying improvements towards 6G
This session provided a platform for knowledge exchange of on-going 5G security activities. It described 5G [IMT-2020] security gaps and present new security directions for 6G [IMT-2030].
Moderator: Heung Ryong Oh,
ITU-T Study Group 17 Q2 Co-rapporteur | Chief Researcher, Standardization Division, TTA , South Korea
Part 1: Status of 5G security standardization in SG17
Yutaka Miyake,
Director, Information and Security Department, KDDI Research, Inc.: “5G security standardization roadmap (XSTP-5Gsec-RM)” [Presentation]
Part 2: 5G domestic activities
Stepan Davydov,
Cryptanalyst, JSRPC “Kryptonite”:
“Aspects of 5G security and ways to mitigate threats” [Presentation]
Ayumu Kubota, Senior Manager, Cyber Security Laboratory, KDDI Research Inc.: “Japan’s 5G security guidelines” [Presentation]
Jonghyun Kim, WP1 Vice-Chair & Q4/17 Co-rapporteur | Principal Researcher, ETRI: “Korea’s 5G security activities” [Presentation]
Hongmei Yang,
Deputy Chief Engineer, Institute of Security, CAICT:
“China’s 5G security activities” [Presentation]
11:25 - 11:40
| Group Photo + Coffee Break - Kindly supported by:
11:40 - 13:10
Session 2: Initial architecture and concept for 6G security
This session provided a better understanding of the 6G [IMT-2030] threat landscape and identify an initial architecture and novel security concepts for 6G. It also developed an understanding of the security challenges in IMT-2030.
Keundug Park, Professor, AI & Blockchain Research Center, Seoul University of Foreign Studies | Q10/17 Associate Rapporteur | ITU-T JCA-IdM Co-chairman
- Yutaka Miyake, Director, Information and Security Department, KDDI Research, Inc.:
“Brief introduction to the ITU-T FG NET-2030 and Japan’s Beyond 5G Promotion Consortium on their security-related activities” [Presentation]
Vinosh Babu James,
Engineer, Senior Staff, Qualcomm India & Marja Matinmikko-Blue, Research Director, University of Oulu, Finland: “Technology trends and Scenarios for Systems beyond IMT-2020 - Initial views” [Presentation]
Anand Prasad, Partner, Deloitte Tohmatsu Cyber LLC | Former Chairman of 3GPP SA3:
“Path to beyond 5G Security”
Junzhi Yan, Senior researcher, China Mobile Research Institute:
“How to utilise PQC for 6G security" [Presentation]
- Jeong Min Lee, Manager, AI BIGDATA Team, Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA):
"Cybersecurity AI Dataset in 6G Era" [Presentation]
Jonghyun Kim,
WP1 Vice-Chair & Q4/17 Co-rapporteur | Principal Researcher, ETRI:
“Korea’s research status on 6G security” [Presentation]
13:10 - 14:30
| Lunch Break
14:30 - 16:00
Session 3: Fundamental security requirements and functions for 6G
This session identified challenges that need to be addressed and fundamental security requirements and functions for building 6G security including strategies for transition from 5G security to 6G security.
Gyu Myoung Lee, Professor, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU):
“General aspects of future networks incl. trust networking” [Presentation]
Ke Wang, Project Manager, China Mobile Research Institute:
“Security for 5G and beyond” [Presentation]
Fanqin Zhou, BUPT, China | ITU-T Study Group 2:
"Introduction of SG2 work on security management & User identity and access management for TMN" [Presentation]
Mika Ylianttila, Associate Professor, University of Oulu: “Fundamental 6G security requirements” [Presentation]
Xiongwei Jia,
Senior advisor, China Unicom:
“Computational issues for access networks” [Presentation]
16:00 - 16:20
| Coffee Break - Kindly supported by:
16:20 - 17:30
Session 4: Panel discussion – Collaboration and coordination on IMT-2020 and beyond security standardization activities
This session provided an understanding of how the standardization community can work together to develop 6G security standards and explore opportunities for collaboration on new topics and in ongoing work as well as identified mechanisms to facilitate collaboration and harmonisation of standardization activities for 5G security and beyond.
Moderator: Koji Nakao, NICT, Japan | WP3/17 Chairman
Zhili Wang,
Ph D, Associate Professor, BUPT, China | ITU-T Study Group 2
Zhiyuan Hu,
Director, Security Research, Vivo Mobile Communication Co. Ltd.: “Status in SG17”
Christopher Mulley,
Principal Architect, ZTE, China:
“Collaboration on 5G/6G security from a manufacturer’s point of view”
Anand Prasad,
Partner, Deloitte Tohmatsu Cyber LLC | Former Chairman of 3GPP SA3
Suresh Nair, Security Standards Specialist, Nokia Bell Labs | Chair, 3GPP Security Working Group SA3
17:30 - 17:40
Wrap-up, summary of workshop outcomes and closing remarks
- Heung Youl Youm, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 17, Security | Professor, Department of Information Security Engineering, Soonchunhyang University, Korea (Rep. of)