Committed to connecting the world


​​​​​​​​​​​​ITU-T Industry Engagement Workshop

Geneva, Switzerland, 19 April 2024


​08:00 - 09:00​Registration and participants' check in
​09:00 - 09:10​
​09:10 - 09:20
Keynote Address
​09:20 - 09:30
​Keynote Address
​09:30 - 11:00
Current Perspectives on Industry Engagement
The purpose of this session was to provide the background necessary to understand the scope of the opportunity available to increase industry engagement in the ITU-T.

Session Chair: Didier Berthoumieux, Chair of Workshop Steering Committee; Head of Standardization Office, Nokia, Finland  

Followed by a panel discussion with Uwe BaederDirector Public Affairs, Rohde & Schwarz, Germany and the presenters (on site).
​11:00 - 11:15
​Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:30​ ​Metrics and Industry Engagement
The purpose of this session was to understand how to measure the impact of industry engagement.

Session Chair: Hiroshi Yamamoto​Director, Head of Standardization Office, NTT Corporation, Japan [Presentation​]

Followed by a panel discussion.
12:3​0 - 13:30​Lunch Break
13:30 - 15:45​​​Value Proposition for Industry Engagement
This session reviewed the current ITU-T value proposition and explore ideas to enhance the ITU-T brand to attract Industry to lead/participate/grow standardization work in the ITU-T.

Session Chair: Arnaud Taddei (Global Security Strategist, Broadcom Europe, United Kingdom) [Presentation]

Followed by a panel discussion with Ulrich Dropmann (Head of Standardization and Industry Environment, Nokia, Finland), Bret Jordan (Chief Security Strategist, Afero, United States) and the presenters (on site).
​15:45 - 16:00
Coffee ​Break
​16:00 - 17:00
​Standardization Process and Industry Engagement
This session was focused on the processes used to start, progress, approve, and publish Recommendations.

Session Chair: Scott Mansfield, Standards Researcher, Ericsson Canada [Presentation​]

Followed by a panel discussion.
​17:00 - 17:30
​Workshop Summary, Outcomes and Next Steps
Workshop Session Chairs summarized the discussions and provide outcomes of their sessions. Highlights of the draft workshop report were reviewed and discussed. An outlook on next steps was provided.

Session Chair: Glenn Parsons, ITU-T Rapporteur on Industry Engagement and Metrics; Principal Standards Advisor, Ericsson Canada
Close of workshop
​17:45 - 19:15
​Reception at ITU Cafeteria, hosted by Seizo Onoe, Director, ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau​

 * via remote link