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MoU/MG webinar on e-accessibility for e-business

​​​​​Date: 21 October 2019
Time: 13:00 - 15:25 (CEST)
Caption transcript: here 
Recording: here
Meeting report: here​

The Memorandum of Understanding on electronic business (MoU) between IEC, ISO, ITU, and UN/ECE and its Management Group (MG) is a coordination mechanism under a unique cooperative model to collaborate on mutually supportive standards required in business transactions (data interchange and interoperability) as well as products design and manufacturing to meet the urgent needs of both the industry and the end-users.
The 40th MoU/MG meeting (December 2018) found interest to organize an MoU/MG webinar on eAccessibility and eInclusion for the broader audience of the MoU/MG. ITU-T will take the lead to organize this webinar (Q1 or Q2/2019). MoU/MG Resolution R18/01 resolved
to consider an online webinar or similar for the MoU/MG to discuss the impact of eAccessibilty and eInclusion on all stakeholders, organizations involved and technical committees represented.
e-Accessibility (i.e. accessibility in the context of ICTs, web and Internet) aims to enable access to electronic products and services for all people, including specifically persons with disabilities and persons with specific needs. Providing accessibility by design will allow inclusion with consequent impact on better equality and income distribution, as well as economic opportunities in the digital space to companies globally.
With the uptake of global, regional and national legislative regulations on accessibility, enterprises offering ICT products and services are facing the need to properly address e-accessibility in their offerings and to suitably address customers with disabilities and persons with specific needs.
Several International standards exist already which address e-accessibility by providing technical solutions.
This webinar is offered to provide a better understanding of the requirements including key regulations on e-accessibility. The webinar will investigate the activities, results and plans of international standards setting organizations and shed insights into their e-accessibility standards as relevant in the context of e-business.
In particular, the webinar will address and focus specifically on the following topics/themes from a standardization perspective:
  • legal framework (e.g., EU) on e-accessibility,
  • e-procurement and public e-procurement;
  • accessible user interfaces;
  • and accessible content,
  • e-accessibility in the context of broadcasting,
  • certification for e-accessibility and systems,
  • aspects of users on usability for e-accessibility.
The target audience of the webinar should be standard managers, technical project managers (TPMs), and interested experts among the membership of the involved organizations.
Draft Program of webinar:
  1. Opening, welcome, introduction
    Martin Euchner, ITU-T TSB [Biography] [Presentation]
  2. E-Accessibility requirements, legal, regulatory situation
    Inmaculada Placencia-Porrero, European Commission “European accessibility legislation - The European Accessibility Act ”, [Biography+Abstract] [Presentation]
  3. Perspective from users on e-accessibility
    Alejandro Moledo, Policy Coordinator, European Disability Forum, “Persons with disabilities’ perspective on e-Accessibility”, [Biography+Abstract​] [Presentation​]
  4. Results, activities in standardization
  5. Certification for e-accessibility
    Klaus Höckner, Austrian Disability Forum/IAAP, “Certification and reporting for Accessibility with a sidestep to public procurement”, [Biography+Abstract] [Presentation]
  6. Q&A discussion
  7. Wrap-up, conclusions, and closure.​​